How I Kidnapped Jax and Almost Got Away With It

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Operation break into Jax's pool house was a go. I actually couldn't be the getaway driver since stepping on the breaks hurt too much so instead I sat in the front seat and gave directions.

Lindsey said when we got there "Are you serious? This is where you broke your foot jumping from the second floor?"

I replied lightly "Yup... Jax tried to hop off the roof at the exact moment we swapped back and in the process I SPRAINED my ankle. Not broke it. So what's the plan?"

Lindsey took out a suspicious looking red bag, "Well," that scary look gleamed in her eyes again "since Jax hurt our darling Molly's feelings I think we should show him that no one hurts our friends feelings."

Emmy opened her mouth to try to talk sense into Pheonix and Lindsey who were smirking at eachother but Pheonix reached her hand over and covered Emmy's mouth "Honey we have already decided so either you could sit in the car or help us."

Emmy agreed when she could speak again "Alright fine I'm in. It'll be so boring to sit in the car the entire time."

Lindsey smiled and said "Thanks Emmy."

I wanted to stop them but at the same time why the fuck not? It'll be fun and it'll make an awesome memory. Plus Jax deserved it after what he said, he was so rude. So I kept quiet and let Lindsey explain what we're gonna do.

"Alright bîtches here's the plan," she rubbed her hands together excitedly " first we're gonna act like 12 year olds and teepee the house. It's like a warm up than Emmy, you're the second shorts and most petite person here so, you're gonna scope the house, look in the windows and see if he's there. He should be its midnight he's probably sleeping," Emmy nodded "now if he's there were gonna throw a bucket of water on him and tie him up and interrogate him. If he's not there were gonna fill these paper glasses with water and wait for him to knock them all over. Hopefully it doesn't resort to that but still we must be prepared. He will pay for the heinous act of hurting our darling redhead."

I rolled my eyes I loved Lindsey's protectiveness but she was ridudulous sometimes. I just went with it and nodded "So what do I do?"

Phoenix answered for Lindsey "You're gonna hobble your little ass in there and be sexy if plan A is a go."

I sighed "Go do your thang."

Lindsey kissed my cheek playfully and ran out with the toilet paper. 20 minutes later Emmy came back to me "He's all tied up there interrogating him."

Emmy helped me out of the car while I hobbled to the door. God damn it I'm been a short dress at midnight going into Jax's house because my friends want to interogate him.

Hopefully he doesn't call the cops on us.

Nah that's can't happen.

Emmy opened the door for me and I was shocked at the scene before me. Jax was tied to his chair with rope and he had a gag in his mouth. Phoenix was sitting on the couch looking at him while Lindsey said "Ah the guest of honour is here!"

Did I mention that Lind had a gun pointed to Jax's temple?

I was sure it wasn't real but it looked real and obviously Jax thought it was real.

Lindsey took the gag off of Jax and he said immediately in his cold serious voice "Untie me now Lindsey I did nothing to you."

Phee said "But you did to Molly."

Jax finally looked over to me and his jaw dropped looking at me in the dress. He seemed though to reclaim his sense and he said "Hey Molly."

How dare he say hey Molly so casually after what he said to me. He has a hell of a lot of nerve saying that shit to me. Maybe I was an immature brat but I wanted a damn apology for that kind of rudeness.

Phee said "You hurt Molly's feelings and she doesn't deserve that you asshole."

Emmy said in her clear sweet voice "And now she has a sprained ankle because of you."

Jax's eyes filled with something similar to guilt and said "Can Molly and I talk alone than please?"

Lindsey grabbed Phee's arm "We'll be outside egging the pool house and colouring the pool red."

"Wait what?!"

But Lind, Phee, and Emmy were already out the door cackling.

Jax said "I do owe you an apology."

I said in a slightly cold voice "You definitely do." I added in a softer tone "You hurt my feelings."

Jax said "I'm sorry... I really am. When you walked out I wanted to apoligise. To take it all back. But my mouth wouldn't open and I couldn't go after you. My pride was worth more than your feelings. I'm sorry Molly. By the way I am British and you're my first American friend. And I had to be an asshole and ruin it for you. I'm sorry. Really."

He really did look sincere. Plus he was hot.

So I did what was natural.

I gave him a hug "It's ok." It was a bit awkward since I could only use one hand the other had to hold my crutch.

Since he was tied up he just leaned his head in my shoulder to hug me back. That was ok it still was a good hug.

We heard Phee give a little yelp from outside and we both startled. I pulled away "What was that?"

Jax said "Probably nothing."

I nodded and asked "So friends old chap?" I sat back down on the couch.

He chuckled "Don't start with me."

"So are you gonna untie me?"

I said with a huge mischievous grin "I don't think so."

Jax glared at me "Seriously?"

Than suddenly the door opened and a harsh voice said "Put your hands up!"


So what do you thinks gonna happen?

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