We Need To Talk

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I sauntered up to Jax's locker "Hi sweetheart." I said in a New York/Chicago gangster voice.

Jax was looking good today. He really was. He was wearing a tight t shirt that showed off his lean muscular frame and jeans that definitely made him look good. His hair was artfully messy like he didn't even put why work into it. I'm telling you of I walked into school trying to do artfully messy hair I'd fail completely. But somehow this fool makes it work which I don't understand at all.

I commented still doing that accent "You look gooood."

Jax turned around and looked at me. His midnight eyes were oddly cold.

He said "Thanks?" in this weird judgemental tone I wasn't liking.

I decided to take the sweet and concerned route "Are you alright?"

Jax nodded "I'm fine."

No he wasn't. I could tell from the way he clenched his jaw and the stiff movements. He was either upset or mad. I hope either one wasn't at me though. I mentally went through the last few days to see if I might have said anything... No I didn't do anything I was fine. I acted like normal and I didn't say anything particularly offensive. I guess something else must have happened.

Jax turned around and said not even looking me in the eyes "Look Molly. After school we need to talk."

I raised an eyebrow "You're pregnant."

"What? No."

I shrugged "Whenever someone wants to talk they're pregnant."

Jax rolled his eyes "Alright whatever. We need to talk about something else so meet me outside after school alright?"

I saluted "Okie dokie."

I walk to first period English after that sitting beside Lindsey. She says to me at talking volume since class won't start for another few minutes "What's wrong?"

I shrugged "Jax apparently wants to talk after school."

Lindsey made an Ooh-That's-Bad expression "That's definitely not a good sign."

I nodded "I know right no girl ever wants to hear the words we need to talk in that particular order. It spells out bad trouble. I tried to make it lighter so I asked him if he's pregnant," Lindsey cracked up at that one "But I think he's really bad or something cause he didn't even smile."

Lindsey shrugged "Well go to that talk and see. Who knows maybe it'll be nothing?"

I mumbled hopelessly as our teacher walked in "Boy I hope so."

I zoned in an out of English, usually I really like English it's interesting and I love to read but for some reason I couldn't focus, I kept thinking about the worst possible scenarios for me and Jax. What if he wanted to break up?

I was so freaking nervous that I didn't even hear the bell ring.

Lindsey yelled directly in my ear "Get to class Molly!"

I jumped up putting my hands in the air "I didn't kill him it was an accident."

That made her laugh and she handed me my books which she piled up for me "Get to class missy."

I grinned and winked "You got it."

At lunch I decided to tell my girlfriends about it.

I threw myself into my usual seat saying "Guys you won't believe this."

Addison took a sip of water asking "What's up girl?"

Addie looked cute with her impossibly long blonde his straightened to perfection and her makeup light and natural. She was wearing a halter top in celebration of Spring and some skinny jeans with converse.

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