.The Period.

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I woke up with another hangover the next morning and I saw Jax's ceiling.

Shit. We changed. But it's only Sunday?! I tried to get out of bed but my head hurt too much. Dear god why the fuck does Jax drink? Wait... no last night I was drinking.

Wait does that mean Jax drank too?


I turned over on my side and faced Jax. He was freshly showered and holding a plate of toast and water. "It'll help if you drink something."

"WE HAVE NOT GOTTEN CHANGED!" I shrieked excitedly than I instantly regretted it because it hurt my head even more. "Why did I scream..."

I put my fingers to my temples rubbing them. Jax put the toast and water down "Eat that it'll help. I doubt you want eggs or anything right?"

And with that statement I ran to the bathroom to throw up. After I was done I came out and realized both side of the bed were slept in. Did we...? A sense of horror engulfed me. Jax was sexy as hell but I wasn't a drunk sex kind of girl... did he?

Jax's voice "We didn't have sex if that's what your thinking."

I nodded "Alright."

Jax said suddenly standing right in front of me "Do you like me?"

He lifted up my chin softly looking me n the eyes.

This was too real. Too raw. I don't wanna talk about this. I'm more comfortable joking. "I like your hair." I said with a small chuckle.

"Molly be serious. You know what I mean."

Deflect deflect deflect. "Why? Do YOU like ME?"

He shook his head removing his hand from my chin "If you do... don't. We can never be together."

.... "Why not?"

He said angrily "Because I said so! Someone like you can never be with someone like me!"

Oh. He's too good for me? I knew I wasn't the prettiest girl in school or the one with the best body but damn... I thought we could honestly. We got along well and... I joked through my hurt "Because I'm too good for you."

I can't believe I actually genuinely thought we could have something between us. I had no idea he was gonna be an asshole and be one of those guys who only likes a girl if she's pretty. I had high hopes for him.

I ran my fingers through my hair sweeping it up into a bun and said grinning knowing that my smile betrays not hurt "Jax guess what?"

He turned around and looked relatively normal as well. Like that exchange never happened. Good it was more comfortable that way. "What Molly?"

"I should be getting my period next Thursday."



I knocked on the door to my own house and waited for someone to open up. Isabella opened up and said smiling "Hi! I'm Izzy. Are you looking for Molly?"

I nodded "Yes."

Isabella opened up and let me in. "She's in the attic room just go up the stairs last door on the right."

Wow Isabella your not even gonna tell Mom that a boy is going up to my room? Hmm. Then again mom doesn't care as long as I don't have sex, do drugs, or get pregnant. My mom was strict don't get me wrong but by the fourth kid I guess you realise what you need to continue reinforcing and what you can let slide. My grades have to be 90 or over, I have to tell her where I am at all times ect but she's much less strict compared to Charlie.

I walked upstairs and started to climb the ladder. When I got to the top Jax was lying in my bed clutching his stomach.

I smirked, enjoying his discomfort and somewhat pain, "My first day cramps are bitches."

He cried into the pillow "Oh the pain. Hell's floodgates have opened and I am bleeding the scarificatial blood."

"You know... I did not peg you down to be over dramatic."

"I'm bleeding Molly! I'M THROUGH MY VAGINA!"

"..yes Jax. I know."

He moaned "I feel like crap. My head hurts. And even my boobss feel sensitive. I am a pin cushion. My entire life is over and I'm gonna die and I'm already in hell. Oh lord I'm sorry for my sins."

I rolled my eyes "Man up Jax we gotta go to school."

He stood up wobbly "I'm never gonna make another period joke again."

I have to teach you how to apply a pad." I sighed. "I swear though you better not even look at my vagina longer than necessary do you hear me?"

He affirmed "Yes I promise."


We spent about ten minutes putting on pads and taking them off. It was very very awkward and I would prefer not to delve into details thank you very much.

I snapped, kind of enjoying ordering him around "Go get changed in this," I handed him some clothes, "And don't you dare touch your hair. I'll take care of it."

He obeyed me without complaining miraculously and I quickly braided his hair into cute Dutch braids. Than we started to go to school.

I drove and Jax basically bitched the whole time about being in pain and shit. Like Jesus Christ he's only have his period for a day imagine how girls feel EVERY MONTH?

When we got put Jax sneezed. I smirked knowing what happens when a girl who's on her period sneezes. He shivered "EW I FELT IT."

I laughed and said patting his head "Come on big boy."

Jax said "This day is gonna be hell."

I don't know what Jax went through all day but I had a fine day honestly.

When Jax and I met up he said "Did you know that some smart ass wrote the lyrics to a My Chemical Romance song on the tampon dispenser?"

I burst out laughing and he said "What's so funny?"

I shook my head "I was the smart ass."

He shook his head "No way. You're too happy to listen to MCR."

I said lightly shaking my head. "Well thanks for the assumption."

"Sorry." Jax sounded a bit more meek.

"It's ok. We can go home and you can lie down now."

"Thank god... you wanna come with me though?"

I hid a smile at his invitation and nodded "Sure."

We got to my house and went upstairs ignoring my siblings. "SO how many brothers and sisters do you have?"

I said "7. So 8 of us kids in all."

"Damn how do your parents do it?"

"I don't even know to be honest."

Jax laid on the bed and I said "Be right back."

I got a hot water packet for him and he put it on his stomach "Oh my lord.... what is this heavenly thing?"

I chuckled "It'll help."

Jax and I talked about anything and everything but I had to leave before my mom called him for dinner. I was sonot ready to meet my family in the from of Jax it'll be too strange. So I wished him luck and left him to enjoy his period for the rest of the time.

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