Come Back to Me

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When the ambulance came they hoisted Molly into the ambulance car. I wanted to be in there with her but I wasn't allowed in. I had to argue a bit with the guy but I realised that Molly should be speeding to the hospital so I let the guys do their job and I ran to Bubbles.

I will square away that guy who actually refused me in another time and another place I vowed to myself. Wait want was his name? Ok fine I guess I won't square him away.

I sat inside and turned the ignition feeling my heart pound in my chest with anxiety.

Bubbles gave out a little hiccup but didn't start. Are you actually fucking kidding me right now? Right now?

I turned the ignition again and prayed for Bubbles to start working. She gave out a little sputter and didn't start again. I banged the steering wheel. God why? I needed her to work. I tried one more time and she burst to life. Thank you God.

I stepped on the gas but realised I lost the ambulance in my attempt to resuscitate the car. What if she was seriously hurt? What if she won't recover? What if my father killed her? All the questions ran through my mind like a never ending cycle of vicious torture.

I couldn't stop myself from imagining the worst scenarios and that almost got me into multiple accidents along the way. One lady even flipped me a double middle finger from the wheel of her vehicle and I flipped her right back. She didn't understand that I was on the edge of insanity with my worry.

She didn't deserve this. My god I hated this she didn't deserve the torture that I inflicted upon her. Not directly, sure. But still I condemned her to this fate the second I bumped into her. I couldn't lose her though. Why was I so selfish? Why would I risk her like this? I should've kept her out. I should've tried harder to find a cure to our curse. I should've done something. Anything. She was too beautiful too amazing too kind to be with me. I knew that from the beginning.

She was special.

And I loved her.

I never told her that sure. But it was true I loved her with all of my heart. I loved her laugh, it was warm and contagious and so adorable. I loved the way her nose scrunches up just a bit when she's thinking. I love the way she pulls on one particular strand on the right side of her head when she was nervous or bored. I loved her creativeness and the fact that she's absolutely spontaneous and crazy. Most of all though I loved her smile. I held a diamond to the sun to count the moments on account of the way she smiled for me.

It was that beautiful like a beam of sunlight on a gray night. No girl I have ever met is crazy and unpredictable like her. She's a completely strange in the most amazing way.

She makes jokes everyone else thinks of but is afraid to say. She has hatred for the day of the week that's not Monday. She yells mush while other people walk down hallways. She talks to people that are intimidating. She is loud and talkative and charming and funny and everything else loved. Without giving a fuck about what everyone else thinks.

Finally I arrived at the hospital. I really hoped it was the right hospital.

The logical part of me was sure it was cause it was the nearest hospital so it would make sense they would transfer her here but a bigger more advanced hospital was 15 minutes away in the city so if the injuries were serious enough they would send her there but I didn't think it could be that serious.

The hospital looked like a regular run of the mill hospital. The floor was white tiled and even the grout was clean and whit ethics was surprising. The walls were a boring creamy beige and there were two pictures on the walls, the first was if a sailboat on the water and the second was of a tree. The colors weren't bright they were a boring greyish hued colour and the seats were black with gray cushion. It just looked so depressing in here it was unbelievable. It matched my mood though. It had the faint scent of lemon cleaner and a lingering smell of sickness and despair. Yes despair has a smell.

There were two girls who looked to be my age in the seats but they looked straight past me and one grown man with a moustache who winked at me in a weird way. Yuck how dare anyone look at my girlfriend like that. Then there was one mother with a toddler on her lap. The toddler looked up at me holding his stuffed bear with his tiny fists.

His dark eyes watched me as jogged past. She smiled at me and I smiled back as I jogged past her.

I ran to the lady at the desk and asked for Molly.

She gave me a very sympathetic smile and said "Sorry sweetie no one is seeing him now. You can sit down right there and his family should be here soon."

I nodded and sat in the waiting room anxiously waiting for a doctor.

My aunt and Uncle came in and I sat next to them conversing lightly. God I wonder what was happening right now? I couldn't even summon the courage to go talk to them. I never introduced Molly to them. I didn't wanna tell her why I lived with them and not the parents, it wasn't that I didn't trust her it was that I couldn't relive everything. I started thinking the worse again.

What if the doctor have her the wrong injection and she died? What if my father snuck back into the room and killed her? Suddenly a selfish thought popped into my mind. What if she died it would actually be me since it's my body that died? For a shameful selfish moment I hoped to remain alive. I popped the thought bubble quickly though. I was quite actually crazy for thinking that. How could I put myself above her? I was a terrible terrible selfish bastard.

Soon it was late and my uncle and aunt and I were still waiting in the room. It was tense and silent as we hoped Molly (or 'Jax' in their case) would be alright. The waiting room was empty since the teenage girls, moustached pervert, and young mother filtered out. The toddler pointed to me as he left though which was adorable.

Suddenly the doctor came out and said with no expression on his old face "Winchesters?"

Even though he didn't call for me I jumped up and walked to him just as my aunt and uncle did. I was die father not gonna let him break the news, good or bad, without me present. I'm not the patient type. My aunt patted my shoulder in a soft motherly way and it was enough to almost make me cry. Just the love in that simple gesture.

The doctor was middle aged with a kind looking face. He had a few laughing wrinkles and if he didn't look so serious most likely some twinkling blue eyes. He was balding slightly but not bad and he had a typical doctors outfit on. Dress pants, a light blue button down, a tie with stripes and his long white doctors coat. I was a bit disappointed to. It seeing his wear the cliche stethoscope.

But he said the second most feared thing in my mind despite his kind fatherly face. "Jax Winchester is in a coma."

The gasp my aunt gave was Oscar worthy. She put her hand on her heart "Oh no.."

Her eyes instantly filled with sadness and I wanted to comfort her and say I loved her and I'm right here but of course I couldn't possibly do that. My own heart dropped into the pit of my chest. I can't believe this.

My uncle asked "The chances of him coming out of the coma?"

The doctor stopped and checked his clipboard "73% chances of recovering. It's not that serious thought we can't figure out what made him go into the coma into the first place which is what's worrying us. It could me shock, fear, or maybe something in his body that caused him to shut down. We can't be sure right now. We are doing everything we can to keep him comfortable and alive but we suggest you all go home... It's one minute to midnight, which is very late. He'd want you guys to stay healthy and rested in very sure."

Shit really?

I looked at the clock and than it was midnight.

Suddenly my world went black.


HUGE WARNING: Bring tissues to the next chapter.

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