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I walked into the kitchen and rolled my eyes. I leave the girl alone for five minutes.

Mackenzie was sitting at our kitchen counter with a jug of apple juice and all of our shot glasses filled with it. Her best friend James, who lived next door was sitting next to her with a glass in his hand while Aaron and Perry were sitting on stools on the other side cheering.

Are they having a apple juice shot drink off?

Only Mackenzie.

Perry cheered, "Come on James beat Kenzie! She's just a stupid girl!"

My sassy five year old replied, "Oh yeah?!"

I stood in the doorway with a hint of amusement watching James and Mackenzie take as many 'shots' as they could.

James said holding his stomach, "No more..."

Perry said, "Come on James you can't let her beat you!"

Aaron punched the air and said to Perry, "See my sister is totally better than James!"

Those four were as thick as thieves. Since James moved in next door Mackenzie and James have been inseparable and later on Perry came along and due to their nature maturity they stuck together too. Than when Mackenzie got the four of them together insanity like this happened. I can't say she wasn't a natural born leader.

Mackenzie raised her hands in victory, "I AM THE CHAMPION AND YOU ARE THE LOSERS CAUSE I AM THE CHAMPION!"

James said, "I need to go!" He ran down the hallway past me without any acknowledgement I doubt with his quest for the bathroom he even noticed me.

Mackenzie's eyes followed him and she noticed me. She squeaked, "Hey mom."

I asked with an eyebrow cocked, "What are you guys doing?"

Perry inched away, "Lemme go see if James needs anything."

Uh huh. Sure Perry.

Mackenzie said innocently, "How are you Mama?"

I said, 'Good. What are you guys doing?"

Aaron shut up leaving his sister for dead but Mackenzie was completely ready to talk herself out of this one, "Oh well I decided I want to be an actress but we were also thirty right?"


"So you know that scene from Indiana Jones where they drink all of those glasses of apple juice? We-"

Aaron corrected, pointing at her, "She."

Mackenzie rolled her eyes, "Fine whatever, I thought it would be a cool idea to have a competition. I, of course knew I was gonna win but James thought he could beat me."

I shook my head at her. This girl I swear.

I said, "Well you need to clean up the counter, and next time ask me before you do anything like this or there will be a real punishment."

Mackenzie nodded, "Yes Mama!" To really get on my good side she gave me a huge hug, "I love you."

Aaron rolled his eyes and started bringing the shot glasses to the sink and cleaning up.

I pulled away and said, "Go help him clean up."

Mackenzie smiled and shrugged, "Yes Mama."

I watched my two kids clean uo the kitchen with a small content smile. I love those too. They definitely though took after their father which I'm not happy about. Especially Aaron with his jet black hair. He looks exactly like his father did at five and I have no doubt he'll continue looking like him. He did have my eyes though which I like. Mackenzie on the other hand looks similar to her Dad and barely like me. She has her Dad's smokey blue eyes and her hair was a light golden brown. She had freckles like me and Jax said my smile.

She was gonna be a firecracker that one, and she'll always have her twin to ground her when needed.

James and Perry walked in, helping clean up as well. Perry said, "Ok I need to go now my aunts probably worried at this point."

I nodded, "Bye Perry."

James said, "I should go too. Bye Mackenzie and Aaron!"

Mackenzie said, "Bye Loser!"

Aaron face palmed.

I smiled and said, "Alright both of you no more messing around. I have to start cooking dinner Daddy will be home soon."

Mackenzie pouted and skipped off while Aaron offered, "Can I help."

I smiled and said, "You're good but thanks Aaron."

After I finished up with dinner Jax came home. He smiled at me loosening his tie and kissing me softly, "Molly."

I kissed him back and pulled away, "Go wash your hands dinners ready."

In the past few years I actually learned to cook. It started off with a lot of fires and instant everythings but eventually with my mom's help I learned to actually be a good cook.

Jax and called the kids down and we all sat down to eat. Jax asked Mackenzie and Aaron with a small smile, "How was your day kids?"

Mackenzie grinned, "I beat James in apple juice drinking contest!'

Jax smiled, "Did you now? And How was school Aaron?"

Aaron gave us a brilliant white smile, "I got be the teacher's assistant today!"

I smiled, "Aw that's great honey."

We talked some more and Mackenzie helped me clear the table while Jax and Aaron went upstairs.

Those kids.

I went into their shared room to tuck them in. There was alreays one of the spare rooms for one of them but right now they liked sharing because as Mackenzie said, 'It's what twins do! Uncle Connor and Jae did it!' I chuckled and let her.

Aaron was on the bottom bunk already with his comic book the lamp still on and I gently took the comic from him tucking him in, "Goodnight love."

Aaron yawned, "Night mom."

I got onto a step ladder that I kept in here for this exact purple and brushed Mackenzie hair form her forehead, "Night honey."

She was already dead to the world.

When I went up into our bedroom Jax was already in bed shirtless flipping through channels. I bent over him resting my hands on the pillow on either side of his head, "Hey boy."

Jax gave me a handsome but tired smile, "My darling."

I grinned, "My darling!" I went to the other side of the bed snuggling into his arms, "How was your day my love."

Jax held me against him tight and told me about his day at the company. Jax took over the company from his uncle when we got married and though there are nights when he comes in so exhausted he's super happy with it. He partnered with Vince a few years down the light and with his help thye finally got number one in technology which was so great for him.

Jax and I talked for a bit until I felt myself falling asleep. Jax gently pressed his lips to my temple, "Goodnight my love."


Thank you all for reading the book! If you made it to this point that means you liked it I'm assuming so thank you so much for supporting the book and reading and enjoying it.

We got the book to 3.3K reads on this date 9/30/17  and that's a lot more than other books get so thank you so much if you voted or commented or anything! Adding it to your reading list... anything so thank you so much!

There will be a spinoff and there will be info in the next chapter. :)


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