Old Times

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Chris Pov

I was laying on the bed playing with the Amanda while Kae was in the shower.Today was Bree birthday party\sleepover thing and Kae was goin while I stayed in the house with the baby,Crazy thing is Bree actually invited her which caught me by surprise because I thought she didn't like her like that but they have gotten kind of close since Jay left,I can never understand girls so I said fuck it.

She came out the bathroom with a black tight dress on and her hair was curled,She looked amazing I swear sometimes she looked like she was t real,that's how beautiful she looked.

"So how do I look"She asked looking at herself in the mirror,I nodded

"You look good"She smiled


"Amanda don't mommy look good"I said holding her up to stand up,She giggled

"Well who do you suppose to be anyway"I asked

"Mariah Carey"

"Well I don't remember her being this fine"I said,she pushed me

"Boy shut the fuck up,Anyway Trina coming to get me so I wont need the car"She said getting her bags

"Aight,let me know when you make it"I said

"You sure you and the baby go be ok because I can drop her off at my sisters house for the days im gone"She asked

"Nah bae we good,Just go have fun"I heard the car horn

"Shit that's her,I gotta go,Have fun you guys, I love you both"She put on her boots and kissed us before she left.....

Jaylen's Pov

Since the party didn't start until another 4 hours we stsrted putting together the finishing touches before we get dressed. Zayden was asleep on my chest so I took him to the guest room we were staying in to lay him down and on my way back I heard somebody at the door,Nicki went to answer it and it was Tyga with some girl,Shad,Austin and Trey.

Instead of hugging everybody else Tyga and Shad ran right to me.

"Damn what's up JC"Tyga said picking me up giving me a hug

"Tt put me down,damn"He laughing putting me down

"My bad,It's good to see you sis,I missed you "he said

"I missed you too"I said

"Hey Jay"Shad said giving me a hug

"Hey Shad,You look so different"I said rubbing his grown out curly hair,He laughed

"Why everybody keep saying that"He said

"Well I know one thing,Yo ass aint get no taller"Alonna said coming down the stairs

"Damn you brought the monster with you"He said giving her a hug

"Fuck you"she said flicking him off

Her and Tyga stood there looking at each other for a minute.

"Hey Michael "She waved

"What's up Alonna"He said nodding his head

"Well anyway y'all don't even suppose to be here and nobody told Bree I was here right"I said

"Nope,she with Anyia goin shopping then they should be on the way, we just wanted to stop by and drop some shit off for her and the party"Shad said

"Or just to be a stalker"Alonna said, he stuck his middle finger at her,

"Cool then now we can get started and just so yall boys know you still have to leave later"I said

"Aw foreal, we leave then y'all might invite some fucking strippers or something"Tyga said with a straight face

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