06: I'm Flying

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6 Dawn

There's not much to the so called Glade, except grass and boys, and meters upon meters of boys and grass. Sure, there is a building or two, and a tiny forest off in the corner, but otherwise there is only walls and things blocking me from moving about.

It's compressing my lungs. Bottling me up and trying to keep me tightly wound, but that's not the kind of person I am. This body is a body where an explosion waits to happen. It's only a matter of time before these walls give up on trying to keep me together, and I go up in a cloud of fiery explosion.

"Anything interest you, Dawn?" It's that boy, Newt, and he's asking me.

My feet touch the ground again, and I nod. "Yeah, that Runner job."

He shakes his head at me, almost a laugh on his face. The grin doesn't get shared with me, and I stiffen my back, wondering what exactly he isn't telling me.

"You, Leo?"

She shrugs, as unsure as always. When she looks around, I can see the wonder in her eyes. It's a wonder I don't think I've ever seen before, and one that I don't think I've quite displayed ever.

"Maybe being a med-jack?" She shrugs. "I'm not quite sure."

"Med-jacks get a lot of free time," he notes. "Lots of people have more than one job. The gardens are also a nice place to work, I'm there a lot."

"Nothing sounds interesting." I sigh, looking up at the sky. There are no clouds, only endless layers of blue.

Somehow, even the pretty colours seem boring. Especially if I am going to be staring at them for however long I am going to be here.

"I mean, we get free time once it's dark." Newt remarks, glancing down at his watch. "Which should be here pretty soon, if this doesn't need to be wound."

When it gets dark the Runners come home, to avoid the shifting walls, and the endless night.

"Those Grievers don't scare me." The ginger yawns, reaching her hands above her head. "I might try to be a Runner myself."

She still hasn't told any of us her name, which is kind of a drag if I'm honest. Neither has the tiny girl, but I don't think she is even aware we are here. I know she can speak, because she has spoken, and every so often she does make eye contact with me. Whatever made us black out in that elevator certainly had a big effect on her.

"No, you don't just get to be a Runner," Newt tells us. "You stay here a month, and then you can get nominated. Is it just you four or all girls who have some sort of death wish?"

"I could take them," she looks at her nails, and I can't help but roll my eyes.

Yeah, I'd like to see her try. Just because I am not afraid of any damn Griever, doesn't mean I wouldn't be giving myself a death sentence to try and take one on.

"Maybe you could be a Builder," Leo suggests.

Newt tightens at this before shaking his head back and forth. "No, you wouldn't do well there. Those builders are a load of slintheads, and never mind that Gally is their Keeper."

"He's not too fond of us." Leo lets her in on Gally.

This doesn't seem to deter the girl, and a smirk only grows on her face. Of course she likes a challenges. It explains why her lip is split and her eyebrow has a rough scratch in it. I didn't see what that Runner boy did to upset her, but she certainly proved her point.

I hate him. What did they say his name was? Ben?

"Well, Gally is sort of a shank at best," Newt shrugs.

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