38: I'm Glancing

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38 Dawn

"You have to admit, it is a bit suspicious."

Smoke pillows out of the oven, and I cough as I try to grab the pig out from inside the inferno. I shrug, though from the loud chopping behind me, I know Frypan isn't paying any attention to my gesture. There are currently too many people in the kitchen for me to acknowledge what he is saying.

Dave has come to help out, since the new room of the Homestead is almost done. Then there is that prankster Frankie, who is responsible for the pig head in the oven when I first started working here. And Joe, who is in the kitchen almost as much as Frypan, but who has never said a word to me.

"I don't," I correct, struggling not to choke on the smog.

We normally have two more people in here helping out around dinner time, but apparently other people are busy. Which doesn't actually make sense to me, except for that they just are moving slowly. Before he was a Runner, Stephen was a Bagger who helped out in the kitchen sometimes. I think the boys are trying to avoid the kitchen as best as they can.

Mourning is a funny thing. I couldn't even imagine what it taste like, but it sends shivers up my spine regardless. And not the good kind.


"I'm serious," he cuts off Dave as he tries to speak. "You know it too Dave. Things haven't been the same."

I grab hold of the pig with my oven mitts, moving in on to the island in the middle of the Kitchen. "And what exactly was it like before, huh Fry? Was it better?"

"Well it sure as shuck ain't worse." He notes, not glancing up from the orange carrots at the tips of his fingers.

"I'm sure you believe in coincidences Fry." Dave rationalises with the boy, from where he smashes potatoes to mush.

Dave seems to be pretty strong from working with the Builders. How Michelle manages to keep her eyes off of him and do her work astounds me. I mean, he doesn't look anything too impressive. Regular cropped sandy brown hair, and a straight toothed smile. Strong build but average height, and freckles across his cheeks. Maybe attractive isn't her type.

His eyes are blue though, and they couldn't compete with Minho's.

"You're kidding," Frankie shakes his dark black hair. He has darker skin, and a crooked smile that fits his goofy demeanor. "No offense Dee, but you did have a nasty run in with a Griever the first time you stepped in the Maze, so forgive me if I'm a bit suspicious."

"Yeah, no offense Frankie, but you did put a giant pig-head in the oven on my first day, so forgive me if I'm a bit suspicious." I snap back.

Frankie's face tinges pink, but his eyes flush with a grin when he hears Fry laughing behind him.

"Dawn's got it in her, ain't she?" He looks up from the carrots, and I realise he wasn't trying to attack me. All he needed was a bit of reassurance that I was on his side. And I am. Until the end I will be on Frypan's side. And that includes everyone in the kitchen.

"What do you think Joe?" I ask, glancing over at the boy as he shucks corn. "Think I'm a menace to society."

"Joe doesn't think," Frankie jokes, sticking his tongue back at the boy. "He just grunts and shuffles."

Joe scrunches his nose up, before shooting Frankie a glance.

"Careful Frankie," Fry warns, "last guy to cross Joe-"

"-got food poisoning or some other klunk, I am well aware of your idle threats Fry, but believe me when I say I am not afraid to start a prank war."

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