63: I'm Impossibly Lonely

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63 Michelle

If they suspect me, they didn't interview me yesterday.

I think I'm home clear as far as this Ben thing goes. I keep shooting him dirty looks, but that's just because he is sending them first. If he was gonna squeal like the rotten pig he is, he'd have done so already.

"You can't keep avoiding me, we work together." Gally pipes up from next to me.

I hate this. Like, he doesn't get that he was a means to an end. Why does everyone feel the need to talk about klunk that is dead and gone? I kissed Gally, because shuck David for thinking he can control me. Then again, shuck Gally for thinking that now we have some sort of thing going on.

"I'm not, shuck," I mutter, cracking my knuckles. Only like, what, an hour left of this and then I don't have to be here anymore?

"Someone could've shucking seen us." He asks, incredulous. "David was right there. What were you thinking?"

Do people idly think? He's being so fussy and prissy. Does he want me to sit down with him and talk about my feelings? Or, maybe, he wants me to be fragile and delicate and emotional. Well, I'm not. Leo and Dawn have that base covered; the ridiculous lot. I am strong willed and unbending.

"No one saw us," well, someone did. That was the whole point.

We're working on the bathroom now, starting a new structure. Tonight, we decided after jumping on the roof to see if it would cave in, that the girls are all moving into the same room. The extra one we finally built is going to be shared between Leo, Dawn and myself. I can't tell if I'm looking forward to it or not. This way I can spy on them with more ease, but this way, I also have to see them, regularly. Like, for hours. Like, shuck, who thought this was a good idea?

Like, we didn't need our own room, and we spent so shucking long building it. Now, we get our own bathroom, another addition to the Homestead. Seriously, it sucks. It's a waste of my time.

Gally looks at me, his crazy eyebrows up and his puffy cheeks burning red. I can't tell if he is shocked or if he is angry, but I do not care.

"Just come with me," Gally asks.

I turn back towards the Builders. Most of them are too busy building the frame to notice the conversation between Gally and I, with the exception of David. He stares at me through the brownish bangs that hang in his face.

It's because he sees me that I follow Gally into the Homestead.

He opens the door and maneuvers around a corner until I find myself in the same closet which David pulled me into after I punched Doug in the face. The place where David kissed me. His lips were soft against mine. His hands had lifted up into my hair, pulling me in.

Then I remember his lips were salty, and his hands were shaking. Gally's lips were rough, and course, and his palms firm and harsh when he pulled me in. The juxtaposition makes me scrunch up my nose. I can't help my sour expression when Gally turns to me.

"You usin' me?" He stares at me, firmly shutting the door behind him. He keeps his back pressed against it, trapping me in.

Of course I'm using him. "Why?"

"Well, isn't that what you girls do?" He demands, sour. "Dawn shacking around with Minho, Leo shacking Alby-"

"Leo isn't shacking anybody," I roll my eyes. As if she'd have it in her to kiss a boy. I have a feeling there is tension between her and a bunch of guys, one of those, will they won't they dramas which ends in a won't.

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