20: I'm Smoke

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20 Ella

​It is a dark world out there.
​One filled with smoke and fire, and the greyness that swallows everything.
​​​ The smoke man's smog is not his. It's the world's. It clings to his clothing.
​I am a little girl.

She is tiny too. Violet. A mix of the sad blue and the passionate red.
​ Lilac is a lovely colour, one which she wears well. She is the lilac.
​​ She is a sky and a sun, and it sinks into her skin.
​​​ The sky is fires and what used to be the sunny days. It is the purple.
​​ Nothing about her is washed out.
​​ The purple is also the bruises.
We are bruises. Most days it is her and I and the smoke man, and his needles.

​She is smarter than I am.
​​​​​ No one is smarter than you
​Tell that to her, and the freckles she wears like stars.
​​​​​ She doesn't know what will come.
​We are fighting opposite sides. It wasn't her fault it has been two years.
​​​​​ You are leaving her.
​I am leaving nothing.
​​​​​ You have left the will to be with her already.

​I must give her up to have her. Such colour does not come without sacrifice.
​​​​​​​​ Where am I?
You are lost in a world without her.
You will have her once again.
Who cares what the universe wants?
​​​​​​​​She is the universe.

A purple eternity. That is where I absorb all that I am; in her endless colour. It comes off in waves so thick I can taste them.
​​​ Together we will save it all.
​​​​​​ Neither of us are the kind of people who fail.
​​​​​​​​​​​​ At least not her.
​ She is the plan, even if she thinks it is I.
​​​​​​ Everyone is along for the ride.
​​​​​​​​​​ I am sorry to you three.

We were supposed to be a coalition, but I have failed you all. You were supposed to be able to trust me, but I have been lying to you. It's not a big screw off to the people who control this, but a big screw off to the whole entire universe. We know there is no solution, and unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it. We can't save or solve any of it. We can try.

And I will never give up on you, purple girl.

Welcome to the land of New Plot! Oh Ella darling, I love the purple girl. Also I wrote this a very specific way, with indents and stuff that won't translate well across device so sorry in advance.
What do you think Ella knows?
Enjoy the wait until Friday.

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