45: I'm Open

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Leo 45

"You're not letting me see her?" I am surprised at the tone in my voice. It is a very Michelle feeling, to want to shout at someone else.

"I think she has a severe allergic reaction to some sort of natural element." Clint tells me, steering me away from the Med room. "You and Jeff have been outside in the grass, and I don't want to set it off again."

There is no way she is allergic to something. "Clint, this is ludacris."

"Well, tough," he rolls his eyes, moving me away from the door. "I'm sure you can find something else to do in the hour we have before dinner. Help the Builders unload maybe?"

"We did that," Jeff tells Clint, brushing past him. "They knocked down the ceiling again, so Gally was already being a bit of a Shank. You should've seen the look on Dave's face. He was ripe red when that happened."

"No one was hurt?" Clint asks.

I shake my head. I would've checked up on Michelle if she had been there, but I couldn't manage to find her. It's been pretty lonely these past two days. Both Michelle and Dawn have been oddly absent. No matter where I go, Dawn is always there, and even if it is normal for Michelle to be gone, I assume I would've heard of some terrible thing she has done by now.

Especially since I treated a Builder for a bloody nose yesterday, which he insisted came from smashing his own face against the window frame. Not to say that I am suspicious, but I am suspicious.

"No," I tell him. "I checked them all. They had finished the inside earlier that day. Only people on the roof were affected."

"How didn't you realise the roof was knocked in?" Jeff asks, grabbing Clint by the shoulders. "It was as loud as you could imagine a roof full of Slintheads collapsing would be."

"I'm so used to tuning you out I actively just stop listening to everything around me." Clint teases back.

I roll my eyes, turning away before anything else can happen. Knowing these boys, I don't want to be around for their worst.

When I leave the Homestead, I don't know what to do. I haven't talked to Alby in a while, and I don't know how to begin a conversation with him. The only person I could see myself talking to is Newt, and I've been avoiding him since he gave me his bed to sleep in. I felt so terrible about that, that I don't really know how to look him in the face.

The sun is moving deeper into the sky, and I hear laughter. Looking to the doors, I notice boys beginning to trickle in. The first of whom is Minho.

I wonder what he did to Dawn.

It's odd that I immediately assume Minho did her wrong, but I can't imagine her being the one to cause her such despair. Especially when Minho seems okay. I knew he would only hurt her. That must have been why I felt so weird about her being with Minho. It couldn't have possibly been anything else at all.

He moves away, towards the Map-room, and I move towards him. I notice he is writing something down on a piece of paper, glancing up at where he is going.

Glancing up, he notices me. I watch his nose turn pink as he forms a grimace on his face, nodding his head before he turns. He cast his eyes back at me, before gesturing for me to follow him with a twitch of his head. I do, follow him that is, jogging on my feet slightly as I try to catch up with him. He enters the farm, leaving the door slightly ajar for me to enter in after him.

"Is Dawn alright?" He asks me before I have a chance to completely shut the door behind me.

"She's been gone." I tell him. "Haven't seen her at night, or at any meals."

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