00: We are here

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It was 2:00 AM, and they were standing in front of the monitors. The lights are dim, and the screens give off a blue glow throughout the group. Highlighting their faces only seems to make the darkness grow in the room, until it is seeping into their skin.

The cameras are staring down into the Glade, which is hidden in the night. In the darkness, it is impossible to recognize the faces of anyone they used to know. Even if it were light out, some of them have changed so much they would be difficult to discern in the dim light.

The first girl can't bear to look any longer. She is the first to turn away, and face the group, waiting for a call to action. Waiting for a sign to keep going from their leader. Her eyes flicker, not unlike the lights, waiting for a call to action.

The second girl can't tear her eyes away from the screen. She is looking for him. Looking and looking for a boy she knows but cannot seem to grasp. In this time, he could have died. In fact, there is nothing to point to the contrary. The thought makes her stomach churn.

"We are in position," the third girl offers, her eyes finishes scanning the monitors. This girl doesn't know what she is supposed to be looking for. Maybe there is some hope on the other side of the monitors that she can't see. "On my end."

The clarification is not necessary.

The first girl glances over to the second, her eyes lingering on the girl. "We're both ready, when you are."

Satisfied, the third girl leans backwards. The wall behind her is cold and refreshing. It snaps her awake in the dead of the night, as everything is beginning to become fuzzy and murky. Given up, she waits for anyone else to speak.

The second girl is searching and searching, frozen on her feet. Where is he? She can't imagine she has died, but she has to know. While her brain is still here, and still listening, she must know if any of this is worth it. After all, he is half her reason.

The first girl can't tear her eyes away from the second. She doesn't like watching the second hurt. She doesn't like watching her stare out those screens. Every time she has managed to catch a glimpse out of them, something terrible has happened. Though it is the dead of night, she would put nothing past the Creators.

"So that's it then," the fourth and final girl lies in a corner, staring out at the group. "We go in tomorrow morning."

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