59: I'm Totally Done

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59 Michelle

I hate the sun. I hate living in this small little confined space. I hate those girls, I hate the Keepers, I hate the Builders, and overall, this place can shucking shove it.

"You seem angry," David remarks, beside me.

I thought he'd be in the kitchen, since the Builders are off today and tomorrow. Actually, I'm the only one who hasn't found something useful to do, as far as I can tell. A bunch of Builders are helping with repairs on buildings and stuff, and helping the Bricknicks organize their crap.

Gally had asked me to help him look over the sheets for the next building project. Claimed I had a natural eye for seeing flaws, or something else shucking ridiculous. Gally gets support systems; he understands wooden planks lined up together to make it as strong as possible. Dave is here because he gets embellishments. Drywalling, framing doors, roofing. It all makes sense in his head anyway.

I don't really even get what I'm looking at.

"I can't even tell that this is schematics," I turn the paper 90 degrees. Maybe I'm looking at it from the wrong angle.

David turns the paper on its head, pointing at the signature on the bottom. "Gally's scrawl is messy, but this is the proposal."

It has taken us about two and a half weeks to build the newest room on to the house; a task which isn't even supposed to be difficult. All it was, was putting up boards and such. When you have a crew of about ten guys, it should go by quicker I imagine.

"It's going to be an addition on to the bathroom," he notes, pointing at the tiny cubbies Gally scratched onto the page. "For you girls only. Probably so you can shower in peace."

I don't need to shower in peace. What we need, is to get out of this tiny Glade. There is nothing but suffering coming from these Walls anyway. Being here is not safe, and I don't like it one little bit.

"No but seriously, why're you pissed?" He asks, leaning in closer to me. His face doesn't approach mine, so I don't have to worry about him kissing me again.

I can trust Dave, right?

I almost scoff at the thought. What am I going off about? Trust, as if it's even a good idea. When has that gotten me anywhere? I trusted Leo to help me, and I almost got banished. It was Gally who's vote helped me, and it was Dave who told them he gave me the screwdriver.

So in a way, I can trust David. He's already stopped me from being banished once.

"Gally doesn't like the girls," I tell him.

David shrugs, looking up at me from the sheet of paper. His hand rests on the chair behind me, so he is completely turned to face me. "And?"

"And?" I ask. "He thinks Leo and Dawn are up to something."

"I take it you don't," confusion fuddles his brow.

I do? Or maybe I don't, but I saw the way Dawn approached Minho, Newt and Leo when we left the Deadheads. Whatever they were talking about, it was a big deal.

And I remember thinking to myself, why exactly did Minho care so much that Ben hurt Dawn? And why did he follow Ben into the forest anyway? How did he know someone hurt her? I figured, the obvious answer, that there is some truth to the rumours involving the two of them.

And perhaps, the rumours involving Leo and Alby weren't true. I could see Newt looking at her. Either Leo is an oblivious idiot, or she is cunning and leading him on. At the moment, I can't tell which is more likely.

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