74: I'm Going

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Dawn 74

Dave and I are sitting together on break when Newt comes up. He seems nervous, paler than usual (which is odd since he's pretty pasty to begin with). "Dawn, do you have a minute?"

"Not really," I am still trying to figure out what to do with Michelle.

Alby might banish her today. At least, he said he would. As of now, she's playing it cool and Gally is supposed to go talk down Alby. That was the only thing I could think to do with both Newt and Leo out for the count. I'm not very good with plans.

I could've told Minho, but I didn't want him to worry. He's already got a lot on his plate since he is training Ben today for his re-entrance. This morning he threatened to literally split Ben's head open. We've got enough trouble on our hands without getting him more strung out.

"It's important," Newt bites the inside of his cheek, a habit he seems to have picked up from Leo.

I didn't tell him about the situation either, since I thought he'd tell Minho, and because he was trapped in the Med-room for most of yesterday.

"Who's getting banished?" Dave asks. "Is it just her?"

Just, as if more than one.

Newt's face somehow becomes paler. "What are you talking about?" He's not a very good liar.

"Michelle told me some things," Dave clarifies. He couldn't have heard yesterday about what I said about Ben. What did she tell him about us? Enough, I guess, to compromise us. When Dave stepped up to help yesterday, I assumed that Dave thought Alby had caught him and Michelle in a compromising position, and that's why we're hiding her. Although, I don't know why I believed that. As far as I know, she's only doing Gally, but I could be wrong.

Especially since they shucking broke a structure because of how pissed they were at each other, and then suddenly teamed up once they found out Michelle was in danger. She has at least shacked one of them is my guess, but I doubt both. They don't seem that mad about it.

Newt doesn't miss a beat. He sits on the ground next to us staring at Dave. "What things?"

This is very different from the soft Newt who assured me that Alby banned girls and boys from touching for good reason. This isn't frustrated Newt, or certain and quick to action Newt. He is speaking a kilometer a minute, and he keeps fidgeting with him hands.

"He rattin'?" Dave looks to me, and I almost snort. As if Newt would rat us out on something like this.

"Please, the only reason any of us are still alive is because of Newt," I tell Dave, looking at Newt. He gives me a faint and thankful smile as his cheeks flush.

"It was a combined effort," he assures Dave. "But now isn't the-"

"Please, at least four of us would definitely be dead by now if not for him, you can tell him." I roll my eyes, playfully shoving him.

Dave pauses, looking back and forth between us. I doubt Dave knows Newt well. Though he is well liked, Dave doesn't have many close friends. He gets along with all the Cooks, all the Builders, and from what I gather, a couple of the Sloppers.

He's always nice to the Greenie who showed up before us, even though Frypan hates it. The kid, Chuck, is always stealing food.

"Michelle told me that she could accidentally get at least three people banished," Dave says. "But, now, if I am counting correctly, she's at five."

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