47: I'm Trying

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47 Michelle

It's late into the morning when I finally make my way to the building. No David, or Dave, or whoever you want to call him, in sight. Which I'm glad about, because since he, we, did that in the building, we've been avoiding each other. Not just in the way I silently sit with Gally but ignore his presence, but in the kind of way where I haven't seen him in days.

I can't tell if it's because I am running from him, or if he is running from me. It might not make a difference, but I want to prove to him I'm not a coward.

I'm not afraid of relationships, just no one is here is good enough for me.

Especially not David. Who is he to think he is special? He is nothing more than some cocky Builder with an entitlement complex. Almost as if he thinks I owe him this since he's put so much effort into saving me. He thinks he knows everything too.

Realistically, he knows nothing.

I hear a crash in the building, followed by people shouting. Gally's voice rings out above the ground, and I debate whether or not to go in and help.

"Michelle," I spin around to hear the boy with the ridiculous accent calling out to me. Since when do we talk? "Have you seen Dawn?"

Should I have seen Dawn? He sighs at the look I give him, creasing his eyebrows together. "Look, Leo is going nuts. Nobody's seen her since yesterday, and she didn't show up for work today. Do you think Gally could spare you?"

I shake my head back and forth, but when I hear anger ripping through Gally's throat, I feel myself shrug. There is no way in Hell I want to show up three hours late while he is already that angry. Despite the fact I don't want to help the second-in-command or his people, a chance to get closer to him and to Dawn is one I can't pass up.

For the sake of my and Gally's mission, I can't leave this opportunity to waste. Plus, this is a good excuse for missing out on the morning of work.

"He'll live."

Newt nods, although he has one eyebrow raised. If he is confused he doesn't tell me. "Where do you think she might be?"

I barely know her, so I don't know why I'd have any sort of an idea. Instead of waiting for him to tell me where to go and what to do, I turn on my heels.

"Ask somebody else."

I walk further away, passing behind Gally's back from even 50 feet away feels weird and wrong. I'm stuck on this side of the Homestead until I can manage to sneak past his slippery eyes.

Maybe, if I'm lucky, I can actually find a way to get lunch. Avoiding people proves to be troubling, especially when they are everywhere you need to be.

Gally and David both seem to be everywhere I don't want to be.

There is not much in this corner of the Glade, except for the Walls, the Homestead and the Slammer.

I choose not to look at the building. From the outside you cannot tell what lurks inside. Pain, anguish and beatings all fester in there. The remnants of my own torture stain the walls. The proof of my loneliness in this world.

I'm not afraid of people, nor am I afraid of being alone. How ridiculous a thing for David to say. I'm not a coward. I fear nothing, especially that room.

The door creaks when I enter it.

Dawn looks up at me. Her eye is swollen shut, red and purple in an array of colours. Her hair sticks to the ground as she lifts her head up to look at me, dried blood cracking along her blonde hair.

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