15: I'm Shredded

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15 Michelle

When I take my lunch, Gally glares at me. Realistically, it's the only thing he can do effectively. It isn't like we were getting any proper work done. We've just been reinforcing the frame, again, and again, and you get the drill. Those builders can't build anything proper to begin with, which is why my job is basically to clean up after their messes. How they managed to get the Homestead up in the first place blows my mind.

I wish there were picnic benches here. It would only take our whole crew two hours to build five or six, if they were competent. I imagine benches are much easier to construct then buildings, but I still wouldn't trust that lot to do it.

Today, my plate consists of various green vegetables, a piece of bread, and some unknown mush of meat. I'd rather starve than eat any of that, and I can attest to that point since I am already starving. However, I am entitled to my hour break and Gally can't say anything about it.

Although, today is day five. In two days he gets to go back to Alby and tell him to kick me off his crew. So really, I should be doing everything in power to kiss his ass. It's not in my nature to behave like that, and the mere thought makes my stomach curl over on itself. What a low I would have to sink to, if I were to become one of his little shanks.

They are still building, and he still stands there with his arms crossed, because he isn't good at doing anything else.


When I look up, the funny-talker is sitting in front of me. He lays down his own plate of mush, and I can't help but think that it is his turn to spy on me today. I am about to tell him to back off, but he keeps talking.

"Gally's not happy you're talking a break, is he?"

He is glancing at the boy over his shoulder, and when I look around the second-in-command, I see Gally's head whip away from us.

I smirk, taking a bite of the bread on my plate. "So it seems."

He nods, wrapping his hands together as he stares me down. "Don't take anything he does personally, alright? That shank has been off pretty much since the beginning. When he got stung by a Griever."

I don't answer him, taking another bite of the bread before me. The funny-talker continues looks back at me, and raises an eyebrow.

"You talk about as much as that little kid."

I scoff, and almost choke on the bread in my mouth. I swallow it, before I look back at him. "The pipsqueak isn't all there."

"Makes sense." He begins. "Normally when people show up they spent the first week quaking in their boots. You Greenies are the best I've ever seen."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I get the feeling he doesn't trust me. Nor do I buy that anyone here trusts me. At least it goes both ways. These boys have dubious intentions at best. Especially since every time I look at one I catch them look away from me, as quick as they possibly could.

"Nothing, nothing." He quickly backtracks, leaning back. "It's a good thing. You should've seen us when we first came here."

I don't care to see it, or even to think about them. They just are people who happen to be sharing the same space as me. Boys who are incredibly annoying. I mean, so very annoying. This boy is no exception. He is trying to talk to me, probably to find out more information about me. His eyes penetrate me as deeply as eyes can. Whatever he is looking for, he isn't going to find it.

"Anyway," he begins, "you lot are adjusting well?"

"Adjusting?" I snort. "That implies that before this there was something."

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