42: I'm Starlit

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Dawn 42

It is so late it is early when Minho comes through the door of the Maproom, moving on his feet slowly. I can't help but cock my head to the side. When he said tonight, I assumed he meant tonight. Not tomorrow morning.

"Sorry," he begins, moving closer to me in a harsh whisper. "It was hard to shake Newt off my trail."

I pull him towards me, hugging him tightly. Only slightly taller than I am, I stand on my tiptoes to pull myself up and fully over his shoulder. He is warm, and I miss the heat between us. If I was one for counting, I would know when we were last together. It was before the Runner died, certainly.

"Are you alright?" I begin, my lips trying to stifle the sound. "You haven't seen me since-"

"Stephen," Minho finishes for me. "Sorry, it was just..."

I don't make him finish, choosing to pull him tighter into me. Of course it was just... whatever it was. Stephen died. Having someone working for Minho not come back in one piece must've been hard enough without making him explain it.

"I just... I couldn't... I blamed myself." He starts the sentence over and over until he figures out what he means to tell me. "So I needed time."

"Min, its fine." I pull back so I can look at his face fully. "I get it."

He nods carefully.

A metal crash rings through my ears, and I move towards the door. Minho is there before I am, hiding me behind him as he peeks out.

"What's happening?" My voice is a harsh whisper.

Minho stands with his eyes facing towards the sound carefully. It's easy to forget that he is a person. We don't really talk much, since there isn't much to talk about. Here though, I remember he is a Runner. I remember he is one of the smartest and strongest here, and he is about to protect me from whatever sound is outside. I can see the fear brimming his eyes, and for a second it makes me think there is reason to be scared.


"I don't know Dawn," his voice is smooth. No harsh tones bleed from his cold eyes into his sweet lips. I wonder if he talks to everyone like he talks to me. I wonder if I talk to others the way I talk to him. Perhaps I do, but I couldn't be sure.

He steps outside, the light from the Maproom casting a glow on his body, displaying his shadow in front of him.

"Stay put."

I don't listen to him, stepping out and peering around. It's much darker outside than in, and my eyes haven't adjusted in this dim lighting.

Above us are stars. Twinkling and shining lights. I can see only Minho, in the yellow glow from the lantern lit and burning inside the room behind us, and the stars above. Otherwise, the Glade is as dark as the world was when I first woke up. I almost hate that millions of stars can see us this night, but he and I will never be together under the sun.

I can't help the smile that forms on my face when Minho turns around, not because I am happy I can't see him during the day, but because I am happy I can see him. His chocolate eyes look at me, and I realise this is the first time I have seen him in the starlight. The first we have been together without hiding, or without other people surrounding us.

The sun is a star too, so in a way, we've been seen by more suns than anyone could imagine.

I can't help but reach forward for him, as he turns around.

"It was the box," he answers, looking over at it.

The heavy metal lid doesn't normally move about on its own.

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