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Iris's P.O.V.

I sat in the backseat of Cole's car as he drove my mom and I to the airport. I couldn't sit still in my seat. My legs were bouncing and my fingers were tapping.

"You sure you can go by yourself?" My mom asked

"Yes mom. I'll stay in the hotel that they offered and I won't talk to strangers and I'll stay safe. I promise."

"Okay. I can't believe my baby is going to California to get a record deal." She squealed making me smile.

Soon enough, we got to the airport. I checked in and said goodbye to my mom and Cole before I went through security.

I got a drink from Starbucks and sat at a table while I went through twitter. When my flight was called, I found my gate and boarded the plane.

Atlantic Records provided me with a first class ticket, and a super fancy hotel. Either they have a lot of money to throw around, or they really want to sign me.

I found my seat and got settled. I took out my notebook and began writing down ideas for my next song.


After the five hour flight, we landed in LAX. I walked through the gates, grabbed my suitcase, then saw a man in a suit with a sign that read "Iris Watson".

I walked towards him and he took my bag as he lead me to the car that would take me to my hotel.

"A car will be sent to pick you up at 2:30 to take you to your meeting," the man said from the drivers seat when we pulled into the hotel.

"Okay. Thank you." I hopped out and grabbed my bag.

I checked in and went to my room that was absolutely incredible. Everything looked so expensive, I was afraid to touch anything.

It was only 10 so I just relaxed on the huge bed watching tv. I called my mom to let her know that I landed and I was safe in my hotel.

Surprisingly, I hadn't thought about Jack being in California until now. I knew that Los Angeles was too big to run into him, so I didn't think about him for too long.

At around 1:30 I began to get ready. I changed out of my sweats into something more professional. I touched up my makeup and tried to prepare myself for this huge meeting.

I went downstairs when I was notified that there was a car for me. They took me to the office that may or may not be holding my future.

I walked into the building and signed in. A few minutes later, my name was called.

I walked through a hallway and into a small office with a table and chairs for about five people. I sat down and waited patiently for someone to come in.


"So, would you like to sign with Atlantic Records?" The man asked after a long conversation of how everything would work.

My mom told me that it was completely up to me. If I wanted this, I should take it.

"Yes, sir. I would love to."

"Congratulations. Pretty soon, you'll be everything that everyone is talking about." He smiled. "If you go out those doors and to the left, there is a desk where you can fill out your paperwork.

"Okay. Thank you." I stood up, shook his hand, and then went to fill out paperwork.

I called my mom and told her the good news as I was walking out. I hung up as I turned the corner, and bumped right into someone.

I Depend On You ~Zach Herron~Where stories live. Discover now