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Iris's P. O. V

The hostess took us to the same table, and we ordered our drinks. We acted like what happened with Jazmine the night before didn't even happen. We talked and laughed and cheesily flirted with each other until we had finished the dessert we somehow managed to eat.

"Okay, so I just found out about this today, but I really want to take you to there," Zach said once we got into the car.

"Well what is it?"

"It's a surprise, but you're not gonna want to go in that dress. That's why I got a change of clothes for us." He pulled a bag from the backseat.

"What are we doing?"

"Just change into the clothes I brought and you'll find out soon enough," he said.

I looked through the bag and saw some shorts, a plain shirt, and my Nike airs. Along with my clothes and Zach's, there were snacks and blankets in the bag. There were also pillows in the backseat.

I quickly changed out of my dress and into the clothes Zach had brought. Zach did the same, and then started driving to the unknown destination.

"We're here," Zach said turning onto a dirt road. I looked around trying to find something that would tell me where we were. When I saw the huge screen, I knew what we'd be doing.

"What movie are we seeing?" I asked.

"All three High School Musicals." He smiled

"Are you serious?" I whipped my head around to look at him and not the window.

"Yeah." He laughed.

"Oh my gosh, Zach I'm so excited!" I screeched. Zach pulled in backwards.

"Why is no one else here?" I asked seeing only our car parked in the lot. "Are we early?"

"Nope, I rented it out for just us."

"You didn't have to do that, I'd be fine having other people."

"Well I wanted the place to ourselves."

I helped him lay out the pillows and blankets in the bed of the truck. Then Zach pulled out bags of snacks and drinks.

"How are we supposed to eat this after the dinner we just had?" I asked.

"Like this." Zach opened a bag of doritos and stuffed them in his face.

"Glad I asked." I laughed.

We both got in the bed of the truck and lay down. The first movie soon started. Zach stood up and starting singing Troy's part. At first I just laughed at him, but then I joined in singing Gabriella's part.

By the end of the first movie, we were out of breath from singing and dancing along to the songs. It was the most fun I had had in a long time.

During the second movie, we both lay back down. We were both getting tired, but before we could do anything about it, we fell asleep.

"Iris, wake up." Zach kissed my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw his face right above mine. He smiled down at me, making me smile back.

"How long were we asleep?"

"Long enough to miss the third movie. It's almost three in the morning, we need to go home," Zach said starting to clean everything up.

Zach started to drive home, and he sang along to the quiet song playing from the radio. His soothing voice calmed me, and put me to sleep.

I was asleep, but awake enough to feel Zach pick me up and take me to our room. I snuggled my head into his chest. When he put me on our bed, I waited for him, and then clung to him like a monkey.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you, too."

Daniel's P. O. V.

"Thank you for letting me stay here," I told Kayla's parents.

"You're welcome anytime." Her mom smiled.

"Bye mom." Kayla waved before following me outside. I drove us both to the airport.

"Tell the guys and Iris that I miss them. I wish I could come with you," she said wrapping her arms around me.

"I wish you could, too. I hate having to be away from you for so long." I rested my head on hers.

"Thank you for surprising me, though." She smiled.

"I couldn't wait another month without seeing you," I told her

She looked up at me, and I leaned down and kissed her lips. I heard a few girls giggling and saying our names, but I ignored it. I pulled her closer and kept our lips together.

"You better say hi to your fans," Kayla said pulling away.

"I love them, I just wish they had better timing." I sighed.

"I'll wait here." She smiled pushing me towards the group of girls.

"Hey girls!" I said instantly being engulfed in a huge hug.

"Daniel you're so cute!"

"Kayla is so lucky!"

"I love you so much!"

"Can you say hi to my friend for me?"

I talked to as many fans as I could before my flight was called. I pulled away from the fans and went back to Kayla.

"Goodbye," She said. I wiped the few tears from her cheeks and kissed her again.

"I love you."

"Love you, too. Now go before you miss your flight," she said.

I took a step but turned around and kissed her again. Then I finally left. I wiped my own tears as I walked to board my plane.



41k!?!?!??! I can't handle this. It's crazy. Thank you so so so so so much.

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