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Daniel's P. O. V.

I took Kayla's hand and walked out her front door.

"Um, you don't have a car." She laughed.

I held up her moms keys and smiled.

"Your mom is letting me use hers. She also gave me recommendations on where to take you," I told her.

"Wait, is it fancy? Should I change? Do I look okay?" She asked stopping and examining her outfit.

"Kayla, you look gorgeous," I told her admiring her ripped jeans and oversized sweater that belonged in my closet, but I didn't mind.

"Thanks." She blushed. I brushed a piece of hair behind her ear before leaning in for a kiss. I took her to her side of the car and opened the door for her.

"Please tell me where we're going," she pleaded.

"I honestly don't know where I'm going, so I guess I should tell you." I laughed. "Your mom told me to take you to The Cheesecake Factory, but I have no idea where that is."

"Oh my gosh, that's my favorite place in the whole world. I could drive there in my sleep!" She exclaimed.

After a few wrong turns, Kayla correctly directed me to the restaurant. We walked in, and were quickly taken to a booth in a corner.

"This was seriously the last thing I was expecting today. But I'm so glad you came. I've missed you so much," she said reaching for my hand.

"I've been planning this for a while. I wanted to come and see my girl." I smiled. The waitress came and took our drink orders

"Your mom tells me you have auditions tomorrow. What are they for?" I asked sipping my water.

"The community theater is putting on the musical, Wicked. There's gonna be a lot of producers, like scouts, coming to watch, so it's really important for me," she explained.

"I'm sure you'll do great."

"I've​ been getting extra practices with my music instructor. Hopefully it goes well."

"It will." I assured her

"Maybe you'll be my good luck charm." She smiled.

Soon, we ordered our food and ate it all once it arrived. We ordered a slice of cheesecake to share. When it came to us, I looked over at the door and saw two people I did not want to see.

"Ugh Blake and Brandon are here," she scoffed. She had told me all about them.

"Ew. They better not come over here and ruin our night."

Kayla tried to hide her face, but Blake saw her. She gasped and brought Brandon over here.

"Oh my gosh Kayla, I didn't expect to see you here. What did you do? Threaten Daniel to come here?"

"Actually I surprised her," I smiled.

"Right. It's so sad that she didn't get any roses at school today, though. She was whining and crying because Brandon got me a whole dozen," she lied. "She's always been jealous of me."

"I don't believe that for a second Blake. So why don't you and your dumb boyfriend go and enjoy your meal while I take my girlfriend somewhere a bit more enjoyable. I'm not really enjoying the view from this table anymore," I said looking at Blake. I took the bill  off of the table. "Excuse me."

Blake and Brandon stepped back. Blake's jaw had dropped to the floor.

"Close your mouth, you'll catch the flies that follow Brandon everywhere," Kayla smiled. Kayla and I scooted out of the booth and walked out of the restaurant.

I Depend On You ~Zach Herron~Where stories live. Discover now