Edward, I love you soo much

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Bella Swan updated her FB status: Edward I love you sooo much!

Edward Cullen: I love you too babe.

Cho Chang: wait a minute? Edward? You mean Cedric? I thought you Fricking died!

Edward Cullen: yeah and then I became a vampire.

Cho Chang: and you didn't think of telling me!!! F*** you! You can just go f*** yourself you f****** bastard!

Harry Potter: yeah but it's okay right cho because you got to go out with me right?

Cho Chang: I went out with you on a dare!!

Bella Swan: ooh burn

Cho Chang: can it! Cedric, you said you loved me! Why would you do this to me... We were perfect for eachother!

Edward Cullen: yeah but, I sparkle now

Cho Chang: never mind, you can have him.

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