Harry Potter Facts Part 4

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• When Hermione and Ron went to Australia to get Hermione's parents, the first thing Ron did was ask Hermione's father for Hermione hand in marriage.

• During the kissing scene between the horcrux version of Hermione and Harry, Rupert Grint was removed from the set from laughing to much.

• Ron's bogart changed from spiders to seeing Hermione in pain.

• Harry's scram after Sirius's death was cut out because it was too agonizing.

• The person who played Moaning Myrtle was 37 years old during the filming of the Chamber of Secrets. She is the oldest actor/actress to act as a Hogwarts student.

• Only Alan Rickman (Snape) knew the fate of his character before the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows because JKR told him.

• The 't' in Voldemort is silent. In Latin it means 'Flight of death'.

• JKR based 11-year old Hermione on herself as an 11 year old girl. She also made Hermione's patronous an otter, JKR's favorite animal.

• JKR was the first person to become a billionaire by writing books.

• When Sirius died, Emma cried. She says even though she was there making the film and has read the books, it was the look on Harry's face that opened the floodgates.

• Filming 'seven Harry's' scene was so difficult that Dan counted over 90 takes just for a single shot.

• Rowling says that Lupin slips up because he wants people to like him, he gets so excited that he has friends that he cuts them some slack.

• It took an effects team 6 months to make dementors.

• The Chamber of Secrets was dedicated to a friend of Jo's who used to have a real turquoise ford Angelina and used to take her out in it.

• If Emma had Harry's cloak for one hour, she would spy on the queen, see what she's up to.

• Ravenclaws mascot is and EAGLE not a RAVEN.

• At time of filming OotP, the producers wanted to cut out an unnamed character. they consulted JKR and she said they could if they wanted but once they get to the seventh film, they would basically be screwed. The character was Kreacher.

• Teddy Lupin is the reason JKR wanted to write the epilogue.

• Some of the portraits in Hogwarts are portraits of the producers.

• There is a note at the end of tGOF movie that says 'No dragons were harmed in This movie'.

A/N lol I loved the last one.

More? if I do another chapter, I'll do 30 and not 20...

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