How To Kill Harry Potter

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Dedicated to @PotterHead_Initate for showing me this chat. Go follow her now and read her amazing stories!

Voldemort updated his FB status: How to kill Harry Potter.

Harry Potter: moldy voldy, you do realise this isn't like Google search, right?

Voldemort: how to destroy the chosen one.

Voldemort: how to extract life from every single cell in Harry Potters body

Harry Potter: Again, not Google...

Voldemort: how to turn 'the boy who lived' into 'THE BOY WHO DIED A PAINFUL DEATH!'

Voldemort: how to crush Harry Potters life like a crush-a-can crushes a can.

Voldemort: how to kill somebody effectively as the BBC

Voldemort: how to bake raspberry and white chocolate muffins

Harry Potter: wait, what? ^^^

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