People can be so mean sometimes

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Harry Potter updated his FB status: people can be so mean sometimes :'(

Ron Weasley: what happened Harry?

Harry Potter: Malfoy used petrificus totalis on me and stole my broomstick

Ron Weasley: Merlin that sucks

Harry potter: I wished that one day we could get along swell.

Ron Weasley: that'd be great, then we could work together to kill old Voldy

Lord Voldemort: LOL GOODLUCK

Edward Cullen: I wish we could all get along like we did in middle school... I want to bake a cake and fill if with rainbows and smiles so that everyone could eat it and be happy

Draco Malfoy: he doesn't go here!

Severus Snape: do you go here?

Edward Cullen: no, I just have some deep feelings

Severus Snape: go home

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