In love

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Draco Malfoy updated his FB status: I'm in love!

Lucius Malfoy: good now go make some evil Slytherin babies

Narcissa Malfoy: aww he grows up so fast

Draco Malfoy: actually, she's a Gryffindor

Lucius Malfoy: she....WHAT?

Narcissa Malfoy: Well then I assume her friends are Slytherins

Draco Malfoy: she's friends with potter and the Weasley's....

Lucius Malfoy: the...the...the...WEASLEYS?!?!?!!?!?

Narcissa Malfoy: calm down, I'm sure Draco knows what he's doing.

Draco Malfoy: oh and she's a muggle born.

Lucius Malfoy: she is..... she is.... she is

Narcissa Malfoy: my only son, dating a Mudblood?!!?!?!

Draco Malfoy: hey don't call her that! I happen to be deeply in love with her!

Hermione granger: aww thanks :) I'm in love with you too 😘 want to meet in the library later? <3

Lucius Malfoy: *passes out*

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