Harry potter facts

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•dementors don't bread, they grow where decayed things are like fungus

•the hug between Malfoy and Voldemort wasn't scripted.

•Warwick Davis (professor flitwick) played a goblin at gringots in Harry potter and the philosophers stone and be played an ewok in star wars.

•if a muggle were coming across Howarts, they would just see a caste in ruins that says 'do not enter'.

• bellatrix lestrange and Sirius black both died in similar ways; taunting their killers before they died.

• According to Queen Rowling there are only five other wizarding schools besides Hogwarts: one in France, one in Brazil, one in New England, one in Northern Europe and one for the wizarding dramatic arts.

• After Fred's death, George will never be able to produce a patronous because all his happy moments were with Fred.

• Harry and Ron will never read Hogwarts a History.

•Umbridge was arrested, tried and sent to Azkaban for crimes agains muggle norms.

• JKR shows the name Hermione because not many girls had that name and they couldn't be teased by being
Called a know it all.

• Ron, Harry and Hermione are all put on chocolate frog cards for their achievements. Ron finds this to be his greatest accomplishment.

•Daniel Radcliffe has more money then prince Harry, the prince of Wales.

•Voldemort was 71 when he died.

• The actor who played Dumbledore only accepted the role because his 11 year old granddaughter threatened to never speak to him again if he didn't.

• JKR favorite chapter of book one is 'The mirror of Erised.'

• The first and last words we here Dobby say are 'Harry Potter'

• Harry tells everyone Voldemort killed Cedric when it was really Wormtail.

•'Remus Lupin' can be re arranged to 'Primus Lune' which means full

• While Filming the Prisoner of Azkaban Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) had to have his robe pockets sewn shut because he would keep sneaking food on set.

• James and Oliver phelps admit to switching roles throughout the shooting of one of the movies.

• Professor Trelaweny's prediction was true, she said when 13 people gather, the first to leave will die. The 13 people gathered and drank to Mad Eye middy after he died. Lupin was the first to get up to look for the body.

• Professor McGonigall was in the same year at Hogwarts as Tom Riddle was.

Okayyy then, I got more facts if u guys want me to post them?? or should I do something else?

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