Lets go hunt horcruxes!

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Dedicated to gred_forge4ev4 for making up this Facebook chat! Thank you!

*Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, Ginny Weasley, all the weasley siblings, Voldemort, Snape, Luna and Dumbledore logged on*

Harry: off to go hunt some of Boldemort's horcruxes. Hermione, Ron either of you wan to come with me?

Harry: *Voldemort's

Ron: haha! Yeah sure!

Hermione; I'm in too!

Harry: okay then, see you later!

Voldemort: HOW do you know about my horcruxes?

Harry: Dumbledore.... How else?

Voldemort: Dumbledore, HOW do you know about my horcruxes?

Dumbledore: I'm Dumbledore... I know all.... *goes away mysteriously*

*Dumbledore has logged off*

Voldemort: 0_o well you don't know where they are, what they are or how to find them.

Harry: actually, so far we know: the diary; hufflepuffs cup; Nagini; the ring; Salazar Slytherins locket....

Voldemort: HA! You don't know about Ravenclaw's diadem!

Hermione: oooh thanks! That saved hours of stalking you to find out all about you in hope to find out what it might be!

Voldemort: stupid mud blood

*voldemort deleted his comment*

Fred: too bad Voldy, everyone saw it!

Voldemort: it is 'the dark lord' 'lord Voldemort' 'he-who-must- not-be-named' or 'you-know-who' to you, you blood traitor filth!

George: or baldy, or moldy or.... Hmmm what else Freddie?

Fred: 'cheese sniffer?' Oh wait, he's got no nose to sniff with... How about 'half blooded, noseless, bald guy'?

Voldemort: you can't speak to me like that! I am your superior!

George: great, now you sound like Percy.

Molly: Fred! Don't speak of your brother like that!

Fred: mum... That was George -.-

Molly: oh sorry Fred dear. In that case, George! Don't speak of your brother like that!

Percy: honesty mother, it's fine, it's obvious he is just jealous of me.

Fred: *snorts* right! Who would be jealous of that?! A hippo?!

Voldemort: no you filthy half blood ginger, no.

George: oi! I though we were past that immature name calling you annoying bit of mould, who's unable to sniff the luscious, sweet, warm scent of chocolate cake, freshly baked, decorated in rich, smooth chocolate ic- wait.... You don't know what it smells like, do you? Oh well, your bad.

Ron: *stomach grumbles*

Bellatrix: I thought we were past all the immature name calling? Why are you caring on you disgusting half-blood?

Fred: neither of us said we aren't immature. Or if you prefer, neither of us said we are mature.

Voldemort: how old are you exactly....?

Fred: .....

George: ....

Fred: we have a creepy stalker pedo trying to find out how old we are... Time to run?

George: defiantly.

Fred/George: *run away and hides*

Hermione: how old are you anyways?

Voldemort: ..... *mumbled incoherently*

Hermione: ????

Voldemort: I said *mutters* 69 *mutters*

Fred: Merlin George! Haha, lol.

George: *cant stop laughing!*

Voldemort: what? What's so funny? That I'm almost 70? WHATS SO FUNNY?!?!?!?!?

George and Fred: BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my sweet mother of Merlin, dear mighty Dumbledores beard, Merlin's great aunt Greta, that's HILARIOUS!

All the kids/ teens: hehheheehehe

Ron: blimey vold- blimey! That is brilliant!

All adults: I DONT GET IT!

Molly: tell me right now what it means or I'll hex you to oblivion!

Fred; uhh... You've evidently got a muggle device to use this internet thing so go to: www.urbandictionary.com

Then search for 69.... That should explain it all...

All teens/kids: *giggles*

*fred, George and all the kids/teens logged off*

*10 minutes later*

Molly: how do they know what it means?!

Arthur: don't look at me! I didn't know what it meant either!

Molly: anyways we can 'ask' them later. For now sorry tom dear- I mean lord Voldemort, sorry dear. I can't apologize enough for my children's appalling behavior. Dreadfully sorry, I really am.

Voldemort: it's fine, don't worry.

Molly: okay, bye! I'm going to go interrogate them on how they know that

Molly: *question

*molly has logged off*

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