Chapter Two

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As you were wandering around the crowd, trying to find your Shrek crush, you finally got lost and gave up.

You went to the nearest food stand and got (your choice of food). You sit down and ate your food when some guy sat next to you.

"Well you seem sad." A guy with a petite figure, pitch black hair, a high voice, and glasses that were a bit crooked.

"How'd you know?" you replied sarcastically, but with a giggle so he knew you weren't trying to be rude.

"Well when someone is at such a great convention and is in the corner eating food, I would think something is up." he said excitedly, almost cheering you up, "Whats your name?"


"Oh that's a nice name, I'm Alex. Would you like to explain why you're so sad?" He said, cheerfulness growing in his voice.

"Well, Alex, it's very stupid, so I'd rather not."

"Well there's no judging here, but if you don't want to talk that is perfectly fine. But instead of eating your emotions, come out and join me and explore!" and with that, he grabbed you by the arm and dragged you out of your misery.

As y'all were walking, you continued to have fun with Alex and go around and get new merch, but being careful to look around for the Shrek cosplayer.

You and Alex were playing a game, where you were Fiona and he was Shrek. Even though he was not your Shrek, he still could play as him in a game.

When Alex was trying to rescue you from Lord Farquaad, you spotted something in the corner of your eye.

"Hey, Alex, I'm really sorry but something came up. Bye!" you ran as fast as you could to find "Shrek."

"You're no fun!" he yelled back as another girl sat to play for you.

As you were running, you finally spotted him. You ran up to him but stopped quickly and realized you were a sweaty mess and out of breath, it would have looked too weird to talk to him then. But you were too late.

He turned around as you bounced off of his cushioned back.

"Are you ok?" he said, with a judging look on his face.

But his voice. It sounded just like the actual Shrek's. The accent, the tone, everything, was absolutely perfect. You laid on the ground in awe, and also catching your breath. But your breath was quickly taken away as he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you to your feet.

You froze. You were too scared. Too mortified to say anything. He got impatient when you didn't respond and scoffed and walked away.

As you watched his figure dance its way to a station you mumbled these three words:

I love you.

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