Chapter Sixteen

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"Rise and shine sleepyhead!!" A voice yelled, you could recognize it but didn't care too much since you were half asleep.

A pillow roughly hit your head and the voice repeated itself, "I. Said.Wake .Up!!!!!!"

You groggily rolled over and forced your eyes to open, it was blurry but you made out a green figure over you and you knew it was Shrek. You sighed and rolled back over on your stomach and hid under your pillow. Shrek rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen to get food, giving up.

"What are we doing??" You yelled.

"I'm going to take you to my favorite restaurant!"

You sighed, not wanting to leave the house, "Do I need to dress up??"

"Oh yes." He said deeply. His words shot your eyes open and you ran into your closet, "I'm ready to leave when you are!"

You pulled out a red dress and slipped it on, feeling unusual in a dress, you slipped on some heels and perfume, not forgetting to brush your teeth and hair, just to put your hair in a bun. You ran as fast as you could in heels and met Shrek by the front door, your eyes fell to his hands that were holding a black blindfold.

"Um...Shrek." Your face reddened as you pointed to the fabric in his hand.

"Oh! It's so that the place would be a surprise!!" He laughed out, holding his big belly.

He held the door open for you and walked you to the car, opening that door too, but tied the blindfold around your head before you got in. You sat down, making sure to be careful of your surroundings. You heard Shrek start the car and drive, but you didn't know where. The silence drove you crazy so you asked Shrek to turn on the radio.

"I need tongue, I need face, Give me br-"

Shrek changed the channel, becoming uncomfortable from the song and you thanked him in your head.

"Fuck bit-"

He changed the channel again, hoping something PG would come up.

"Hey playboy-"

"Okay! That's enough of the radio, I guess!" Shrek laughed awkwardly.

You started to smell something foul and covered your nose. You uncovered your nose and realized you've smelled this before, but you couldn't put your finger on it. Shrek stopped the car and got out, helping you and guiding you.

"Are you ready?" He asked behind you.

You nodded and he slipped off the blindfold to reveal his swamp, covered in candles and a small table in the middle of it all and Donkey standing next to the table, a small towel wrapped around a leg. Of course, your first thought was "Are we summoning the table gods??" But you came back to reality.

"Aw, Shrek...It's beautiful..."

He took your hand and led you to a seat, pulling the seat away, for you to sit.

"Adios, Mademoiselle! What will you be having to drink?"

"Donkey that's not-" You began.

"Shh...He tried." Shrek interrupted.

"I'll have a Tea." You said to Donkey.

"Don't have that."

"Coke?" You asked again.

"The drug?"

"No, do you have Sprite? Soda?"

"Water it is. Now for you?" Donkey said and turned to Shrek.


"Thank you, I will be back with your drinks." Donkey walked into the house and gathered your drinks.

You looked at Shrek, who sat across from you, and saw his features glowing in the candle light. His eyes caught yours and you both just sat in awe of each other, like a magnet, you seemed to lean closer and he did too, until Donkey came back.

"Two waters!" He yelled . You jumped and so did Shrek, "Any Appetizers?"

"Mayb-" You said.

"No? Okay. Well for dinner we will be having a Donkey special so I will be back with your food."

You sipped your water and turned back to Shrek, he was sweating shifting in his seat.

"Are you okay, Shrek?"

"Oh yeah," He laughed, "Oh look at the moon! It looks like a toenail!"

You squinted to get a better look at the moon, "Is there...a kid trying to fish??"

Shrek laughed, "I guess he's gotta make his Dream Work somehow!" You laughed and Shrek cleared his throat, "Y/N?" You looked up at him, "Well...we have been through a lot..." He laughed, "and I was thinking-"

"Dinner's ready!" Donkey yelled, walking out of the house, along with a gingerbread carrying two plates.

Your eyes widened as it spoke to Donkey, "Better send the money I get from this to my PayPal." Then he ran off.

You looked down at the food that was creating an odd scent. It looked like soup, it was brown, had onions, that looked like it was it. Shrek has already gulped it down and looked at you, wiping his mouth.

"As I was saying....Would you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

Your heart nearly fluttered out of your mouth and fell into your soup, you looked into his loving eyes, "I'd love to be your girlfriend!!"

Shrek x Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now