Chapter Nineteen

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You walked into the loaded airport and checked in your stuff and sat in an area. Your eyes were still puffy from the crying, you turned off your phone not wanting to see anything that reminded you of Shrek, since you were still on the brink of tears. You tried getting your mind off of everything so you got some food. After eating and thinking about your new life in New York you heard your plane being called and you quickly rushed to it.

You sat in your seat and waited. Someone sat next to you and you looked up slightly. It was a mother. With an infant. You internally groaned and rolled your eyes, dreading the trip ahead of you, while sitting next to a baby. It was adorable, until it started screaming it's head off. You wanted to cry and just run off the plane and it hadn't even started to leave.

"Hi. I'm Jill."

"How basic." You thought, "Hi I'm Y/N." You responded out loud.

"I want to apologize for my son, he's a loud one." She laughed lightly, "Going to New York?" You nodded. "Ah. New starts, you can start over, be who you want to be."

"I want to be with Shrek." You thought, "Wow this lady is annoying."

"Yes, new starts." You sighed and sat back, pretending to sleep.

You managed to sleep soundly, considering there was a crying baby next to you. The woman tapped you on the shoulder as everyone started to load off the plane. You smiled at her and ran off, getting to your stuff quickly. You waited for your father to appear so you could get picked up and go "home". His head bobbed out of the crowd and you ran to him.


"Hi, Dad." He hugged you tightly and led you to his car, "What kind of business did you and mom start?"

"We started a new flower shop, and we thought it'd be a perfect job for you! How have you been?? Oh this will be a great experience for you! You might even find you a man to get married to!"

You sighed, "I've been fine. Why didn't you and mom talk to me about this before buying me a ticket??"

"It's not like you were gaining anything from there." He snapped.

Your eyes burned from tears with anger and sadness. The rest of the ride was slow, mainly with the traffic. You made it to your mom and dad's house, with your mom running to you, giving you a bone crushing hug.

"Welcome home, sweetheart."

-One Year Later-

You sat on a stool as you waited for a customer to walk in. You had completely forgotten about your life before you came to New York. You had completely forgotten about Shrek. You even blocked his number just so you wouldn't be reminded of him.

Everything changed.

Your fashion sense was no longer a Shrek t-shirt and converse. You wore flashy shoes, you wore more name brand, expensive clothes, you wore more dresses and even more makeup. You had even changed your hair, your personality. You weren't the old you.

Everything Changed.

A tall, handsome guy walked into the shop, "Hello, Y/N!" He said brightly, but with a smirk at the end.

"Hello, Xavier." You said, smiling at him.

One thing that changed was your preference for men. You were no longer on but on tinder or whatever.

You would be lying, though, if you said you didn't love Shrek anymore. It was a hidden feeling you chose to get rid of, since you would never see him again.

"Hm...Can I buy those white roses over there?"

"Mhm!" You handed him the roses and he leaned over the counter, handing you the money, along with a kiss on your forehead.

You smiled as he walked out of the shop, "What time do you get off?"

"In five minutes." You replied, cleaning up the shop a bit. He nodded and walked out. You smiled to yourself and cleaned off the counter and watered the plants.

You turned off the lights and walked outside, switching the open sign to closed. Someone tapped your shoulder and made you jump.

"These are for you!" Xavier was in front of you, holding the white roses he bought.

You gladly took them and hugged him. He grabbed your hand, "Shall I walk you home?" You laughed and nodded while walking away with him.

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