Chapter Four

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You heard him say again.

Immediately thinking of an excuse of why you followed him home you blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"I thought you were my friend!" you yelled back, immediately regretting everything.

"What are you talking about?!?"

"Let me explain!" You need more time to think,"I......thought you were my friend. Yeah. And i was supposed to follow her home."

"Did you also not know what her car looked like? Or where she lives?"

"She has the same car....and no." You said embarrassed of everything that was happening at that moment.

"Well since you're here, why don't you eat dinner with me. Donkey already cooked it."

Ok this guy must really be crazy. But since you didn't want to be rude, you went ahead.

"Well, Hello! Shrek has a girl over? No way!"

You didn't know where the voice came from until you looked over and saw a donkey.

"Donkey!" Shrek said as he walked into his home, "Treat our guest nicely!"

"Oh sorry! My name is Donkey, at your service! And you are?"

"Y/N" Your voice was hoarse, between shock and being scared.

"Oh Y/N!" Shrek said behind you, "let's eat I'm starving!"

You sat down at his table, slightly disgusted, but impressed. Then you asked a question you've been dying to know.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Shrek, the living legend."

"Not a...cosplayer?"

"Well I'd hope my whole life wasn't a cosplay!" He laughed and slurped up his food.

"And real....?"

"At least I think I am!" He butted in while getting some food for himself.

"What about the movies?!?" You asked, shocked with everything around you.

"The movies," Shrek started to talk,"the movies...Well some guy got interested and me and all these people so he made a movie about it."

"What about Fiona?" You asked hoping he was single.

"Fiona? Oh, everyone needs a love interest, right? Mine just happened to be made up in a movie!" He practically inhaled the rest of his food."Are you going to eat the rest of it?"

You looked down at your food, too disgusted to even touch it. "You can have it" you choked out.

He reached over and ate all of your food one bite.

"I really should get going..." You said, noticing how dark it was.

"Oh yeah, come back though. I like the company." He said, helping you out the door.

As you went into your car and drove home you thought about everything. Shrek was an actual person. Donkey's talk. It almost seems like it was a dream.

You pinched yourself many times hoping you'd wake up. But nothing happened.

You got home and immediately went to bed while trying process what all happened.

Your phone rang many times, but you were too tired to answer it.

Shrek x Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now