Chapter Eighteen

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"I have something to tell you..."

You looked down at your hands and began to twist your thumbs around, Shrek noticed and laid his hand on yours, looking at your face.

"What is it?" He asked.

Your eyes began to water, "I-I have to leave."

His face softened, "Of course, it's not that bad I'll see you tomorrow if you'd like!"

"It's not like that!" You snapped, "My parents are flying me back to New York."

"I thought you said-" Shrek stated, realizing what this meant.

"I know what I said!" Tears started to pour out of your eyes, "They started a business and already bought me a ticket. I'm so sorry, Shrek. I forgot and I-I told you I would be your girlfriend and I won't even be able to see you!"  Your sobs filled the air as Shrek starred at your house in front of you. "Goodbye, Shrek. I'm sorry I let you get close to me when I had to leave you." You got out the car as he yelled for you to come back.

Shrek had got out the car as you shut your door in his face. You cried more, it physically hurting you to do that to him. Tears started to fall from Shrek's face as he sat at your door.

"I'll never leave you, Y/N." You heard footsteps and then a car drive away. 

You drifted off to sleep from the crying and woke up the next day to your phone ringing. You read the name, Mother, you groaned and swiped on the name.

"Hello." You said, your voice cracky.

"Hi sweetie! Did I wake you??" You groaned and she continued talking, "Your father and I got so impatient for you to come up here that we booked your flight for Saturday morning!"

"What??? That's tomorrow morning!!!"

"I know! Aren't you excited!?" She gasped over the phone.

"I'm great. Better get to packing." You said and hung up.

Tears stung your eyes as you slid down to the floor. It was all too much, you looked at the time 7:07 it was still fairly early so you had time.

You called a friend who needed somewhere to stay so you thought she could stay at yours, "Hey Mina."

"Y/N! Hey, how've you been?"

"Fine. You need somewhere to stay right? Well my house is going to be free, I'm moving to New York so you can stay here until I get back...if I come back." She squealed over the phone and thanked you and said these other praises that you didn't really care to listen to.

You put your phone down and got out all of your suitcases. You put all of your clothes and toiletries in one, and put your shoes and makeup in another. You began to pack your picture frames as one of you and Shrek showed up. You smiled as tears slid down your face as you remembered that day. It was the day you truly fell for him as he did the same for you.

"Y/N...Put the snowball down."

You giggled mischievously as you inched closer to Shrek.

"What if I don't want to?" You asked.

"I'll throw one even bigger at you!" He yelled.

You laughed and put the snowball down gently, raising your hands. He laughed and turned around, in one quick motion you had picked up the freezing ball and threw it at the back of Shrek's head. He turned around, faking his anger, as the snow glistened on his forehead. You laughed and ran away, slipping on ice. He laughed at you and threw a snowball at your face while you were still on the ground.

"Okay! Okay! Truce! Now come help me up!" You said, laughing at you both.

He reached his hand out to you, as you kicked up and watched him slip on the ice too. You both sat on the cold ground laughing. The coldness from the ground didn't bother either of you, for the love in each other's hearts were enough to keep you warm.

"Let's take a picture!" Shrek said, helping you up.

He took out his phone and took out the camera, making you laugh at the snow that was built up in your hair and on Shrek's head. Your laugh became contagious as Shrek began laughing too, taking a picture at the genuine laughs.

You cried harder remembering it all. You packed it and looked at the time, 10:32 PM.

"It took that long???" You yelled.

You looked at your phone and decided to text Shrek one last time.

You [10:33 PM] : I'm leaving tomorrow morning. I love you.

Shrek [10:33 PM]: I will always love you.

Whitney Houston began playing in your mind as the tears came back again. You curled up in your bed and cried yourself back to sleep.

Your alarm started ringing almost as soon as you fell asleep. 6:00 AM. You walked to the room where all of your suitcases laid and packed them each in your car. You took one last look at your house and drove away from everything.

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