Chapter Three

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You stood there, mortified, while the people pushed past you, pushing you, cursing at you to move. But you didn't care. There was only one thing on your mind.


You didn't know why you loved the guy, he just seemed so much like the real Shrek. He was perfect. The man of your dreams.

If only you couldn't be awkward and actually say one word to him.

You walked around, buying more stuff, eating more food, and playing more games. The convention was over faster than it started. It seemed like you stayed there for 30 minutes, but in reality you stayed for 10 hours. To be fair, most that time you were looking for the Shrek guy.

As you were leaving you got pushed aside and pushed into a big man. He, thankfully, caught you.

"You've got to stop bumping into me!" He smiled to show that he wasn't serious.

"Even his smile is perfect." You thought.

"Yeah!" You laughed along with him but realized this was your chance to say something, "I'm-"

Then the worst happened.

Your stomach growled.

Not a little, quiet, growl. The loudest one possibly anyone has heard.

"You must be hungry!" He chuckled.

"Yeah...they only thing i've eaten today is food stand snacks." You giggled a bit, at least trying to be cute.

"Oh no. I couldn't last a day without having full meals every time i eat!" He laughed so hard at his self. It was kind of cute. "Oh well! I think it's time to go! See ya!"

"No! Don't go! Please come back! What's your name?" You wanted to say that. But instead you just waved goodbye.

This wasn't the end of you and this Shrek guy. You were going to see him again...Maybe if he didn't know....

Your mind was wondering off places and then you found yourself in your car following after this guy.

"What am I doing!?" you said to yourself. Though you couldn't seem to stop yourself from driving after him.

After about 30 minutes, you were still following after him.

"Where is his house?"

Then all of a sudden he took a turn onto this secret path in the woods. Of course you weren't going to let yourself get caught. So you were far enough behind him.

When you drive down the path you saw something that you thought you'd never see in real life.

A swamp.

And a house.

"Wow this guy really is devoted to this life...I love him."

You thought to yourself a bit.

"I am actually crazy. I just followed this guy to his house. Oh my. I can't believe this. I'm just gonna turn around and drive away and go home and live peacefully."

You put your head down and just calmed yourself and as you were about to leave you heard something.

You decided it was just your car starting, or something in the trunk.


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