Chapter Ten

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You went home from the hospital and cried yourself to sleep. When you woke up in the morning you decided it was better to have a regular life without Shrek.

You got your phone and called Alex.

"Hi, Alex."


"Would you like to do something today? Anything. I just need to clear my mind."

"Yeah, sure. Bowling?"

You got dressed and went outside to wait on Alex, who was picking you up.

"Have you eaten lunch?" He asked as you got into the car. You shook your head.

"We can eat at the alley, they have great food."

You and Alex sung songs that were on the radio, made dance moves to lyrics, and yelled songs to passing cars.

You got to the bowling alley and quickly set up everything and got food.

"You're going down." Alex said as he picked up a ball. He went and only knocked one pin down.

"All talk, I see." You got your ball and got a spare. "Suck It!!" You yelled maybe a little too loud.

You and Alex were having the greatest time, Alex even ended up crying because he was laughing so hard. End the end you ended up beating him by one point.

"I guess that means your buying dinner." You smugly said while crossing your arms.

"Probably next time, I got a date!" He sung out.

"With who??"

"This guy...He seems really nice. But I met him on Tinder so I hope he's not some 69 year old pedo." He laughed and got into his car.

"Tell me how it goes!!" You jumped in the car, excited for him, and hoped for the best.

As you got home and ate dinner by yourself you remembered how much fun you had with Shrek. You ended up crying into your sad dinner plate.

Forget Shrek, right? You should have a night celebrating you.

You got all dressed up for the clubs, wearing a short dress and high heels. You actually put effort into your look.

As you walking into the club you saw many people dancing, drunk guys trying to hit on anyone, including the wall. The music was blaring so loud you thought you might loose your hearing.

Before you could dance like a crazy person, you had to have some alcohol in you. You got up to the bar and ordered some vodka. You had a couple more shots and finally forgot about everything around you.

You went down to the dance floor and danced along to the rhythm. Soon enough, a drunk guy came up and started dancing with you too. You were way too intoxicated to care.

You danced along with him and said words you didn't even understood. Last thing you remember is getting in a car with this man and waking up in a place that is not your house.

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