Chapter Twenty

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-Two Years Later-

Well, you were sitting in an apartment, alone, with a bottle of vodka in your hand. Changing everything didn't help you. It just temporarily took everything off your mind as you looked for other things, people.

-One year ago-

You sat at a fancy restaurant with Xavier, celebrating your one year anniversary. He sat there eating his food as it reminded you of something....

the candles...

the soup....

it all seemed so familiar...

Xavier looked up from his food, "In the morning, I'll make waffles if you want to spend the night."

It all came back.

The night you were with Shrek, being yourself, being happy. The way he looked at you, the way his big green hands gripped yours. The way he called Donkey a jackass. Everything was perfect. Tears started to trail down your face.

"Y/N? You okay??" Xavier asked.

You shook your head "I'm sorry, Xavier. Th-This whole time I was in love with someone else...I'm so sorry!" You got up and walked out of the restaurant.

After that day, everyone hated you. In the flower shop people would stare, those who were your "friends" talked about you and you soon resulted to drinking as your answer.

You cried harder in the corner of your room as you went through your camera roll, looking at all the fun you had with Shrek. Your drunken self began to scroll over to the internet and look up tickets back to your real hometown. The place you met Shrek, the place where you caught Alex sniffing powdered sugar, where you smoked weed and had accidental sex with Shrek. You missed it all.

The morning you woke up with a terrible headache, you pulled up your phone and looked at your notifications.

Your transaction has been completed, your plane will leave at 3:30 PM.

You gasped and got up, it all causing your headache to get worse. You got your stuff and stuffed it all in one suitcase.

"How could I have done this??? Oh my god! Why!! I can't face Shrek again!!!! He probably hates me! The flight is in one freaking hour!!!" Tears flooded your eyes as you fell to the ground.

You pulled yourself together and walked out of your apartment with confidence flowing out of you. You got onto the plane in no time and sat down, waiting to see who sat next to you. Two men sat next to you and you smiled at them.

"Hi I'm Parker!" One said.

"I'm James, his boyfriend." The other said.

"Hi!! I'm Y/N! Nice to meet you both."

They smiled, "Nice to meet you too!" They said in unison. They looked at each other oddly and began laughing. You leaned back and began to remember when you and Shrek would say the same thing at the same time.

"Shrek! You wanna make some food with me? Help out a bit? These hooves only get me so far!" Donkey walked out of the kitchen and saw you and Shrek talking, "Oh..sorry I'll let you go back to doing what y'all were doing." He left with a little wink.

"Stop it, Donkey!" You and Shrek both said before laughing at each other.

You smiled a bit and missed Donkey. You leaned back and thought back some more.

You and Shrek sat on the floor on your phone reading Shrek books.

"People actually think that of me???" He said.

"Look! There's a Shrek Bible!" You said, laughing.

You began reading the Bible as Shrek interrupted, "People worship me?"

"I'd worship you lol." You laughed and he facepalmed.

"Why do you say lo-"

"Oh my gosh Shrek smut!" You laughed as he began reading.

"Shrek stuck his large, green, vei- Okay how do they know what I look like down there??" He yelled.

Tears brimmed at your eyes from laughing so hard at Shrek's reactions.

You smiled as a tear ran down your cheek. You missed what you and Shrek had.

You remembered the first time Shrek said he loved you, you remembered when you said it back. You remembered Shrek getting into a car accident. Everything came flooding back all at once, but in a good way.

The plane had landed and you quickly ran out of the airport, taking a cab to the swamp. You ran up to the door and held your hand up to knock.

You hesitated.

"What if he doesn't want to see me...What if he fell in love with someone else." You thought.

"I'll be right back!" You heard Donkey yell, you smiled at his voice and began to knock as the door swung open.

Donkey stood in shock, "Y/N..." He mumbled.

"What is it, Donkey?" Shrek showed up in the doorway and saw you. You ran and hugged him tightly, tears staining his shirt.

"Y/N..?" Shrek said, hugging you back.

"Shrek...Oh my god I'm so sorry! I never told you anything for all you know I could've been dead and I missed you-"

"Y/N. It's okay. You forgot to block Donkey. He saw all you posted and everything." He rubbed your head and kissed your forehead.

"Oh! I'm sorry...I changed so much! I tried to forget about you b-but I couldn't!!"

Shrek cupped your face lovingly and wiped your tears and kissed you softly, "Shh it's okay...Not everyone can be the sharpest tool in the shed."

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