Chapter Fourteen

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You sat in bed thinking about the three words Shrek had just said to you. You got up and stood in front of the mirror.

"Gosh, Y/N, why didn't you respond?? Why'd you just stand there? What if he never talks to you again, good job!" You said to yourself in the mirror.

Your phone lit up with a text and you immediately jumped over to the phone and read the text.

Alex [1:49 PM]: My friend is having a party tonight, wanna come? You can bring a friend if you want

You rolled your eyes and laid on your bed. "Alex did say I could bring a friend," you thought to yourself, "maybe I could bring Shrek..break the ice a bit."

You rolled over and replied to Alex while he sent the information. You texted a Shrek a simple, "You're coming to a party with me later" and he responded with "okay."

You ran around your house thinking about what to wear. It all ended in you on your couch watching Shrek 2 with popcorn.

Your hands wandered down to the popcorn bowl, grabbing a handful stuffing it in your mouth. You heard your doorbell ring and quickly swallowed the popcorn.

"Hi, Y/N!" Shrek greeted you.

"The party isn't until-"

"I know, I know, I just thought I could come early."

You let him in the door and remembered what was on your tv. You ran to your living room and turned it off, laughing awkwardly.

Hours passed of you and Shrek talking then suddenly it was 10:00.

"Hey, um, the party starts in an hour...I don't know if you want to start getting ready now..or later?"

You remembered that you had a party to go to and jumped off your couch and ran to your room. Shrek turned on your tv while you were getting ready. He wasn't expecting his face to pop up suddenly on the large screen but he laughed to himself, knowing you were thinking about him.

You came out of your room in a black dress and your hair up. Shrek watched as you walked to him in awe.

"Wow." Was all he said when you walked up to him.

You blushed and hid your face, grabbing your phone and things to take to the party. Shrek came up behind you and linked your arms together.

He smiled down at you and led you to his car. On the way there you started rapping to Eminem. Shrek laughed at you but was judging you internally.

He pulled up to the loud house and watched all the crazy drunk people in the yard. You hesitantly walked out the car with Shrek and walked inside the house.

You were immediately welcomed by the smell of smoke and other drugs. You walked into the kitchen, your safe place, to see Alex sniffing a white powder on the table.

You ran up to him and he shot up, "Y/N!! You're here!" He said, slurring his words, "This stuff is good! It may make your nose itch but oh well! It tastes good too!" He took his finger and ran through the powder, putting it in his mouth.

You turned around to see Shrek nowhere near you. You looked back down at Alex and picked up some of the powder. You ran it through your fingertips and tasted it.

"Alex.." You said sadly, "That's powdered sugar..."

He looked at you with wide eyes and his mouth nearly touching the ground. His eyes started to fill with tears as he ran away sobbing.

You turned around and started your search for Shrek. You could hardly see anyone over the smoke. You finally made it to a corner to see a drunk Shrek taking some weed from a sketchy looking dude.

You quickly ran up to him and grabbed it out of his hand. He looked at you like you just killed his donkey.

"You can't have drugs before I do." You took the weed and breathed out a puff of smoke.

You quickly stumbled backwards, Shrek catching you. You coughed out more smoke until you gave the sketchy dude back his weed.

Shrek grabbed it out of his hands and smoked some of it too. Shrek laughed and grabbed you by your hand and took you to an empty room.
He sat you on the bed and sat next to you.

"How about I propose an idea?" He said, almost falling backwards.

You giggled out loud and pushed him off the bed, "What's your idea?" You fell back on the bed and laughed at nothing.

He laid next to you and whispered, "What if we gave everyone weed, then there would be no grumpy people."

You laughed at him then blacked out. The next morning you woke up next to Shrek, not remembering who's bed you were in nor what happened last night.

You looked under the covers to be surprised, not so pleasantly. You almost screamed, it didn't matter Shrek was your first, you didn't remember any part of it was what bothered you.

You face palmed, thinking about how irresponsible you were. Shrek rolled over and woke up slowly. Once he realized what happened he passed out onto the bed.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Shrek x Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now