Chapter Seven

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You hopped into your car, Shrek following after you, and headed your way to get some lunch.

"Where are we going?" Shrek groaned

"Well, first, we are going to get lunch."

"We could've ate back at my house, though." He whined even more.

"Shrek. We are eating out." You wanted to stop his whining, it worked.

You finally pulled up to a little diner to eat and get some milkshakes. As you and Shrek walked in, you got many weird looks from strangers, your face flushed red from the attention. The waitress led y'all to a table in the corner and gave you each a menu.

"This place is neat." He said, scamming over each meal. "What are you getting?"

"Your choice of drink and Your choice of food."

"I might get that too." He shut his menu and called the waitress over.

"I would like drink, food, and the lady would like the same." He handed her both the menus and the woman walked away.

She didn't seem phased by Shrek like everyone else was. She was strange. You were too, for following a guy, learning he was Shrek, and meeting him again.

She came back with our drinks and gave a smile to Shrek but completely ignored you.

A flash of jealousy ran across your face but you quickly covered it up, not wanted Shrek to see.

She came back with the food and turned around, making sure to poke her tiny butt out.

You scoffed and took a bite out of your food.

"You don't like it?" Shrek said, halfway done with his meal.

"It's great, do you like it?"


You went back to eating your food and when y'all were finished she came back with the check. She sneakily had her phone number on it, and still ignored you.

This shouldn't have bothered you as much as it did, but it clearly did. Shrek shook his head and signed the check.

"Oh I'll pay." You tried to reach for the check but he snatched it away.

"Who is the movie star."

You retracted your hand and decided not argue. As you and Shrek left the diner he made sure the waitress saw him throw away her number.

You smiled to yourself and got into the car.

"So where to now?" He said while fitting the seatbelt around him.

"Hm...I was thinking maybe a movie?"

"Like what?"

"How about a scary movie!"

You walked into the theatre and bought the tickets and some popcorn.

When the lights dimmed and the movie started, you were already scared out of your mind. When the ghost looked like it was coming towards you, you grabbed Shrek's arm and hid behind it.

"Is someone scared?" Shrek said, laughing a little too loudly for the theatre.

"Oh shut up." You whispered and went back fully into your seat and continued eating popcorn.

Later into the movie, you and Shrek both went for the popcorn and ended up bumping hands. He didn't notice you blushing from the dimmed lighting.

As you left the theatre, Shrek had an idea to go to a trampoline park.

The place was filled with children, the oldest were probably teenagers. Shrek immediately paid and got the socks and grabbed you to go play.

He first went where there were many trampolines. Whenever you'd be up in the air, he would bounce on yours so that you would fall, you did the same to him for payback.

You guys saw a couple of kids playing dodgeball on the trampolines, Shrek got excited and picked up a ball and knocked a kid unconscious.

After all the fun, the last thing to do was jump off the twenty feet high platform into a foam pit.

Heights weren't your thing, as you climbed your way to the top, you noticed how far you would fall. You were going to back out, until Shrek was behind you calming you down.

"It'll be ok. It's meant for people to jump off of, and it's foam, none of it will hurt you."

With his words, you finally jumped. It was the greatest thing ever. It felt like flying.

When Shrek jumped, all the foam got pushed out of the pit and he was kicked out.

Shrek joked about it the whole way back to his house. He could never seem to stop laughing.

When you reached the swamp and he was heading inside his house, he turned around and pulled you into the biggest and tightest hug you've ever been in.

"Thank you."

"For what?" You said with you face smushed against his chest.

"For letting me be happy again."

And then he was gone.

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