Chapter Nine

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The ambulance shut their doors and quickly drove away to the hospital.

You prayed to whatever that Shrek was okay. His car was smashed into pieces and all over the road.

The person he hit was okay, thankfully, she had a young child in the back who was just scared. The woman's car was smashed in too but was in better condition than Shrek's.

Then it seemed like waterfalls were coming out of your eyes. You pulled over and just cried.You cried because Shrek could be dying and because you were really tired.

You turned around and rushed behind the ambulance to the hospital.

They took him out of the car and rushed him into the ER. You ran inside behind them and sat in the waiting room.

After some time, you heard nothing and drifted off to sleep. A really sweet looking nurse shook you awake.

"Excuse me, we are closing, if you don't mind," She nodded towards the exit, "unless you are staying with a patient."

Of course, you wanted to stay with Shrek. But you didn't want to bother her anymore.

"Oh, yes, sorry."

You got up with your stuff and quickly left. As you got into your car. Your eyes were heavy, the only sleep you had gotten were little cat naps.

You got home and got ready for bed, you tried going to sleep but after an hour you gave up. Guess it's another sleepless night.

You sat up and stared at the wall, thinking about what could happen to Shrek. Soon, the sun was blinding you and telling you to eat breakfast.

At around 8:00 you got a call from Shrek.


"Hey, Y/N..."

"Are you okay??"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. I'm at the hospital with you come visit me? I'm on the 7th floor and my room number is 707."

"On my way."

You hung up and ran to your car. You rushed to the hospital and ran the receptionist, it took you a while to ask her to give you a pass to the 7th floor since you were out of breath.

You ran up to his room and looked at him in the hospital bed. He looked pathetic. His arm was in a cast, his foot was broken, and he had stitched in his head.

"Thank you for coming." His eyes still remained closed.

"What happened to you?" You sat on the edge of his bed.

"Well I drove on the wrong side of the road. I'm just glad that family is okay." He didn't seem like driving that way was an accident.



"How did you drive on the wrong side of the road?"

He sighed and opened his eyes, he looked around and stalled for a couple of minutes.


"Well what, Shrek?"

"When I was with you, was the first time I was happy," He closed his eyes and he suddenly had a sad aura to him, "I was depressed before that. I lied to you when I said Fiona was fake."

"What are you talking about, Shrek?"

"I'm saying she's dead. I just said she's made up because I can't accept she was real and she's gone. Then I realized it and tried to kill myself."


"I was depressed when she was gone because I knew no one would ever love me."

"But Shrek-"

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I'm just laying this all in you now, I don't even know why I let you in my life, you just seemed-nevermind."

At that moment the nurse said you had to leave so that he could have tests done.

"Goodbye Y/N."

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