Chapter Six

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Shrek pulled you out of your chair and led you outside his house.

"Shrek, where are we going?"

"You'll see!" He gladly skipped while dragging you along.

He ran around the swamp for some time until y'all reached the destination.

"Welcome to my mud bath!"

He wasn't thinking you would bathe with him, right?

"Nope, ahah, leave right now and all will be fine." you thought.

"Oh no! You didn't think we were gonna bathe did ye!" He laughed and threw his head back. "I was just giving you a tour of my swamp!"

A sigh of relief left your mouth right after he said that, but soon relief turned into excitement as you remembered he's giving you a tour in his swamp.

"Come on, I have more to show you!" He was already running off to the next place.

Suddenly as you were walking you started smelling something sour. (More sour than usual) Shrek didn't seem phased so you brushed it off.

"If you ever need to use the bathroom here is my out house!" A couple more steps and he stopped, "And here we have the infamous Beware Ogre sign, and somehow you're still here"

Shrek can be sweet and cute??

"Ah...wanna create some more signs to hang in the woods with me?"

"Of course!!!" You yelled in his face, he was slightly impressed by how excited you were and just led you back to the house.

When you walked in, he was already breaking a piece of wood and getting the paint out.

"It doesn't matter what you do, just make it look scary" He put his hands over his head like he was going to attack and went back to painting.

When you and Shrek were done making 10 signs, you and him set off into the woods to put them up. When you were done with your signs, you went to say something to Shrek, but he was gone.

"Shrek!" You yelled out into the wilderness.

"Shrek!!" You tried to yell even louder than before.

"Just go back to his house and wait, he knows his way around." you said quietly to yourself.

But you didn't know your way back to his house, or even out of the woods.

You heard a cracking sound from behind you. You quickly snapped your head towards the direction.

"I'm going to die. This is it. At least I met Shrek."

Another noise came from behind you.


You started to panic, you grabbed your hair and brushed it through your hands. You paced around your spot


You screamed louder than anyone in any horror movie, or anyone that you know of. You turned to look at the face that scared you.

"Oh my god, Shrek" You hit him in his fluffy chest, "Don't ever do that again! I nearly died!"

He was already on the ground laughing his head off.

"Y-y-you should've se-seen your face!!"

"Oh shut up, dork! Just take me back home!" You tried you best to hide your smile and look mad, but he could see the smile trying to creep through.

"Come on, I'm going to take you somewhere to do things I like to do." You said while trailing behind him.

My mom thought some guy on the radio was Kanye West i aM oFfENdeD

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