Chapter Thirteen

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At 2 AM you got a phone call. You blindly answered it and spoke into the phone.

"Aw, did I wake you? You sound so cute when you wake up."

Shrek, on the other end, sounded flustered at his last sentence.

"Anyways, this drive-in theater is having a movie showing and I was hoping you'd come along."

"This...early...?" You tiredly said into the phone.

"Yes. I'm already at your house, let me in."

"Oh my god, Shrek."

You fell out of bed and crawled to the door, you unlocked it, letting Shrek in, and he walked in, seeing you laying on the floor.

"Get up, lazy ass." Shrek laughed and walked passed you.

You flipped him off and walked to him.

"Go get dressed." He slightly nudged you towards your room.

You sighed and got dressed into comfortable clothing. He took you towards his car and shut you in.

You arrived at the drive-in movie, it was a lot more crowded than you thought it would be, since it was now 3 AM.

You and Shrek found a great spot and admired the stars for a moment. You looked over at Shrek and caught him staring at you, he quickly looked away and blushed. He looked cute when he blushed, it was adorable since it was rare.

The Bee Movie started playing on the screen and you laid your head on Shrek's shoulder and enjoying how comfortable it was.

The last thing you heard was "Ya like jazz?" and suddenly you were asleep.

Shrek admired your sleeping state. He thought you always looked like a baby when you slept. He caressed your hair and continued watching the movie.

You woke up to Shrek tapping you lightly on the shoulder.

"Wake up...The movie is over, let's go home."

You were still half asleep so you reached up and gestured him to pick you up. He sighed and reached his large green arms around you.

He lifted you up and carefully laid you in the car. He carried you into your home and laid you on the bed.

"Shrek..." You groaned out. "Stay please...I'm lonely..." You reached out your hands again and patted your bed.

He sat down next to you and you snuggled next to his large body. "You're adorable." You heard as you drifted to sleep.

You woke up to the smell of delicious breakfast going through the house.

"Morning." You huskily said to Shrek as he finished making the breakfast.

"Sleep good?" He asked, laying your plate on the table.

"Yeah...thank you for breakfast."

"You're welcome, sorry, but I really have to go now but I'll definitely see you later."

You walked to the door with him and he quickly turned around and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a hug.

"I love you."

And then he was gone.

Chapter 13 updated on Friday the 13 ¿?¿?

Shrek x Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now