"Everything I've done was for you!" -Cody Christian

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Lately things have been weird between me and Cody. He hasn't been talking to me as much and when I call him, he rushes me off the phone. I know that he is away filming and he is busy but still, we used to talk all the time when he was away. So I called my best friend, Dylan Sprayberry, to help me.
"Hey Dyl." I said when he picked up the phone. "Oh hey Y/N, what's up?" He asked. "Well I need your help with something. I wanna come down there and see Cody as a surprise, but I need someone to pick me up from the airport. Could you do that?" I asked. "Sure! Anything for my best friend to come and visit." He said. "Thank you Dyl, I will see you soon." I said, then hung up the phone. After packing a bag, I purchased my ticket and was in the next flight out to California. When I landed, I rushed off the plane and found Dylan waiting for me at the gate. "Dylan!" I yelled, running over to him. "Y/N!" He yelled meeting me half way and giving me a big hug. "Come on let's go." He said, helping me with my luggage. He loaded it into the trunk of the car and drove me to set.
When we got there, Cody wasn't there-at all. "Where's Cody?" I asked. "I don't know. Lets go check his hotel room." Dylan said, heading back out the the car. We got there and Dyl gave me a spare key that he had. "Go get your man." He said, telling me to go. I nodded and headed up to his room. When I got there, I heard mumbling from the other side. "Surprise Cod-" I opened the door and saw Cody and his ex, Talia, sitting on the Sofa making out like it was the end of the world. When she heard the door open, she looked up and got off of him, causing Cody to look up. "Y/N! What are you doing here?!" He said, rushing to put on a shirt. "I came to see you because you've been actually like a total dick to me lately. I wanted to come here and see if you're okay. Clearly you're doing just fine without me." I said. "It's not what it looks like." He said, coming over to me. I backed away. "Don't you dare come near me! I have done nothing but love you and show my loyalty to you! Everything I've done was for you! To make sure YOU were happy! THIS is what I get." I said. "Babe-" "STOP! You do not get to call me that!" I said. "I swear she kissed me! It was only a one time thing, I swear." He begged, coming towards me. "Yeah, well I hope it was worth it. Because that is never happening with me again." I said. By this time, Dylan was behind me, shooting daggers at Cody. "Dylan-get me away from here." I said, turning around. I was walking to the car when I heard rushing steps behind me. "Y/N wait!" He yelled. I turned to look at him, with tears in my eyes. "Y/N, please. I wasn't trying to get with her." He said. 

"Too late Cody. You knew how I felt about her. Yet you went behind my back and saw her anyway. I'm done Cody, hope you're happy." I said, got into Dylan's car and left. We drove to Tyler's house, since I now didn't have anywhere to stay. "Tyler are you sure it's okay for me to stay here?" I said. "Yes, just because Cody is a fucking dick doesn't mean you have to cut off all ties with the rest of us." He said, hugging me. "Thank you." I whispered into his chest.

It's been about 2 weeks since I saw Cody. Dylan has been checking on me every couple of hours to make sure I'm okay. Dylan was over right now, watching movies with me and getting me ice cream by the tub. I heard a knock on the door and paused the movie. Luckily I was cleaned up and dressed because Cody was in the other side. "Y/N," "No Cody." I said. "Cody, she is still hurt. Just leave her alone until she is ready to talk about it." Dylan said, stepping in front of me. "Dylan don't even act like you understand." "No I don't understand. But when I do know is that you hurt my best friend and she would've done anything for you! You took that for granted and hurt her in the worst possible way. So please, just leave her alone until she is ready to talk." Dylan said. "Dylan, I know you don't like me right now, but I NEED to explain to her what happened. After that, if she still hates me, you can yell at me all you want." Cody said, looking at me and Dylan with pleading eyes. Dylan looked at me and I just nodded heading to the living room. Cody followed and Dylan stood there for a minute. "I'll be upstairs if you need me." He said, and heading upstairs.
"So, I know you aren't gonna believe me when I say it-but I love you. I swear I didn't do anything to hurt you. It was all Talia. She came onto me seconds before you walked through the door and I was pushing her off of me when you came in. Y/N, I have never cheated on anyone in my life. I know what it feels like and I don't wanna make someone feel like that, cause that feeling sucks. I would especially never do that to you because I was, and still am, in love with you. I always will be." He said, holding my hands in his. I had tears in my eyes. Cody has never open heartedly expressed his feelings like that. I sighed, "Cody, I know you're being 99.9 percent truthful right now. But then there's that .1 percent that I don't think you are and that's what's keeping me from believing you. I just-You knew how I felt about her being around you and you went behinds my back and saw her anyway...and I know that I look nothing like her. She's pretty and fit and has everything that you want. I know I'll never be like her-and for that, I am sorry." I said. I was telling the truth, that's how it made me feel. "I know I'll never be like her. I know I'll never be good enough." I said, my voice cracking at the end. "Love, you've always been good enough. You're more than good enough. You're perfect for me. She may have everything that I want-but she doesn't make me smile like you do. She has no effect on me like you do. She doesn't make me smile by walking into the room. She can't turn me on in leggings and my t-shirt like you do. She has everything I want-but you have everything I want and need. I need you Y/N. I've been miserable without you." He said. When he got on his knees in front of me, I knew he was serious and truthful.
Cody doesn't beg-but right now, he was begging for me to stay. "Please love, I will show you how serious I am-just please give me one more chance to show you." He said, putting his head in my hands. I used my hands to lift his head, "If you hurt me like that again so help you god." I said. He smiled and hugged me. "I love you babe, I promise you nothing with ever happen like that again. Okay? I promise." He said, kissing me over and over again all over my face. "Okay okay." I giggled, finally kissing him back.

Cody Christian/Theo Raeken ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now