Black Lives Matter!!

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Hi guys,
I'm so sorry I'm late to this topic but I needed to make sure that what I said wasn't offensive towards anyone.
I know that I don't have a huge platform on here but I want to help. While others are out protesting and standing on the frontlines, some of us are sharing and spreading word at home. I'm not black but I see you, I hear you, I support you, and I stand with you. I acknowledge my white privilege and I want to use that to your advantage. I am disgusted with what is going on. I will NEVER try to undermine, or even try to compare my life and other white peoples lives with those of POC. I will try my best to understand but I know I never will fully.
Riots are the voice of the unheard. I hate that it's come to this. I hate that there are INNOCENT PEOPLE getting tear gassed, shot, arrested, etc. for trying to have their voices heard.
I will say this-I don't approve of the riots. I don't think they're a good idea. I think they do more harm than good. HOWEVER I think that something needs to happen. As I said, Riots are the voices of the unheard. But I don't think they're the answer to this issue. I want you guys to understand that I completely support POC and all other races.
It doesn't help that our president is racist himself. I think he is garbage. Calling POC 'Thugs', calling COVID-19 'chinese virus', etc. it's NOT what helps in these situations.
If you can, donate, sign, share, and post EVERYWHERE about this movement. Do NOT let this subside. MAKE THEM HEAR YOU! Not violently, but peacefully. Create petitions. Know your rights. They CANNOT take those away from you.

To all of my POC readers, I love you. I hear you. If you see ANY issues with this message what so ever-PLEASE message me! I encourage you to educate others about wording things and how they say things. I'm hoping this reaches you. I hope you are safe. If you're at the protests-PLEASE-I cannot stress this enough-PLEASE stay safe. I love you. I love you. I stand with you.


Cody Christian/Theo Raeken ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now