"I havent been this happy in ages" -Cody Christian

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I was on my way to the Teen Wolf set, I had won a contest and got my very own small roll in Teen Wolf. I was very excited and couldn't hide it until I got to set.
When I got there, I was so nervous, my hands were shaking and I felt like I could barely breathe. I was met in the parking lot by Jeff Davis, Tyler Posey, and Dylan O'Brien. "Hey, welcome!" They all said and helped me out of the car. "Hi, thank you." I said in a hushed, shakes voice. "Don't be nervous, we don't bite." Tyler said, giving me a hug. "Have you ever acted before?" Dylan asked, as we walked into the set. "No, never. I've thought about it but-I'm from a small town, so nothing big really happens." I said, adjusting my strap. "Well we can go through a few scenes from past episodes of teen wolf if you want. The rest of the cast I'm sure wouldn't have a problem helping." Tyler said. I nodded, "That sounds like a great idea. The only thing is-the majority of the people are still on the show and I cannot do their parts." I said. "You can try Kira's. Arden isn't on the show anymore." Tyler explained, leading me to a back room. I nodded and smiled a small smile at him.
When we got to the trailers, they lead me to an area where there was a group of people sitting with their backs to us. "Guys, she is here." Jeff said and everyone turned. Cody Christian, Dylan Sprayberry, Shelley Hennig, Holland Roden and the rest of the cast was sitting there, talking and waiting for me to show up. "Hey, nice to meet you." They all said. I just smiled and said a soft hello whilst trying to calm my nerves. "Okay guys, we're gonna go over a few scenes first before we just throw her into this. She's never done anything like this. Okay?" Jeff said. "Yeah." I said, smiling.
The scene they decided to start me out with was the scene where Scott and Kira are on a date in Derek's loft. After we changed into the clothes that were needed for the scene, we headed to the stairs just before the door and Jeff called action.
"Keep your eyes closed, Kira" Tyler said, guiding me towards the giant steel door. "Scott, they're closed." I said, with a slight giggle. "I promise." I felt Tyler reach around me (I'm guessing to open the door) and then lead me into the room. "Okay, open," he whispered. I pulled me hand away from my face and looked at the place for our 'first date'. My jaw dropped (as it was scripted). I looked around and was amazed at the sight. There were hundreds of lights hanging from the entire ceiling of the loft, making it perfect lighting for a perfect (fourth) first date. I walked further into the loft and took in the site, slowly closing my mouth. Tyler followed me in after closing the door with a huge grin on his face. "You did all of this?" I asked. "Too much?" He replied, lifting his head and scratching the back of his neck. "No," I replied. "I was so focused on getting all these lights up and perfect that I forgot to plan what we would actually do on this date." He said. I turned to him and smiled. "I have a pretty good idea.." I said, lightly giggling. Tyler reached for my hips. He kissed me lightly, then I cupped my hands around his cheeks and deepened the kiss (again, as scripted). He picked me up by my thighs so I could wrap my legs around his torso and walked over to the couch in the far corner of the loft. He sat down, with me basically straddling him. Then he pulled me closer and looked into my eyes.
"Cut!" Jeff yelled. I immediately got off Tyler and sat at the far end of the couch. "Are you sure you've never acted before-that was our first take and you didn't even mess up." Tyler said. "In addition she didn't even freeze when she realized we had to kiss or anything." He spoke to Jeff and the cast. "Oh trust me-my anxiety was through the rough...I just psyched myself out and did it anyway." I explained. "Well that was amazing." Cody said, sending me a sweet smile. I smiled back and blushed a bit darker than I already was.
Before I knew it-it was time for me to leave and head to my hotel for the night. Before I left, I said goodbye and thank you to everyone for the amazing opportunity and for making me feel so welcomed. "I'm superiors you guys, "I've never been as happy as I was today. Thank you all so much for this." I said, they gave me a group hung and then everyone left-except for Cody. "Hey, before you go-do you wanna try one more scene-maybe with me?" He asked. Everyone was still in earshot so they stopped and turned. "I mean-if that's okay with everyone else." I said-they all nodded vigorously and rushed me to the wardrobe trailer. Holland and Shelley helped with my clothes and makeup while Cody went with the guys. "Okay-since it's just us girls-who do you think is the best looking? We've wanted to ask you all day." Holland said, sitting in front of me. "Cody-but please don't tell him. I will legit die of embarrassment if he finds out." I said. "That's why you agreed to do the scene with him-isn't it?" Shelley asked, smirking at me. I nodded. "Didn't Jeff write this script specifically for today?" She asked Holland. She nodded and looked at me. Holland handed me a packet and helped me memorize the lines until I was called to set. When I got there-we we're placed in the woods. It looked beautiful really-despite knowing that it was fake. "You ready?" Jeff asked me. "As ready as I'll ever be." "Just so you know-this is the scene going in the episode!" He yelled to me and me and Cody walked into the set. I froze. "What?" I asked. He nodded. "I didn't think Theo had a love interest." I said. "That's before you win the contest." He said then gave me a thumbs up and I got into place ready to act. "Action!" He yelled. (Side note; they decide to use your real name-it was easier that way.)
I heard a loud noice and I turned around. I kept hearing the rustle of leaves all around me. "Theo?" I said, looking deeper into the set. "Y/N!" Cody yelled, walking over to me. "Theo, what are you doing?" I said, meeting him half way. "I came looking for you. I was worried when Scott told me that you went into the woods by yourself." He said. "You were worried about me?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "Yeah, you're my best friend-of course I'm gonna be worried." He said. "Is that all I'll ever be to you Theo? Just your best friend?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders and crossing my arms. "What do you mean?" He asks, turning and looking at me. "Are you that blind?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. "What are you talking about?" He asked, taking a few steps towards me. "I love you moron!" I said, throwing my hands in the air turning around. "I mean, I knew you could be oblivious sometimes but really?" I asked, turning to look at him. "Y/N, I-" "For 3 years I loved you Theo. But I was always on the sidelines." I said, tears starting to form in my eyes (as scripted). "Y/N, can I-" "Theo I am done shutting up about this. I've held it in for too long...I'm done with pretending like seeing you flirt with other girls doesn't bother me. I'm-" Cody took 2 big strides to me and pulled me close to him. He cupped my cheek with one hand and his other held my wait to him. His lips attached to mine and it was pure bliss. When he pulled away, I slowly opened my eyes. "If you would've stopped blabbering, I would have said I love you too." He said, smirking. I smiled and pulled his head towards mine to close the gap between our lips.
"Cut!" Jeff yelled, clapping afterwards. I backed away from Cody and smiled, turning a bright shade of pink. "That was brilliant!" Cody said, picking me up in a hug and spinning me around. I giggled at the feeling and when he put me down I kissed his cheek. "I couldn't have done it without an already great actor doing it with me." I looked up and smiled at him. He smiled back and whispered, "let's get out of here and sneak off to my trailer." I nodded and we said we were going to grab some water.
We ran out the side entrance and to the back where the trailers were. He pulled me into his trailer and when I turned around his lips were in mine again. "If you don't give me you're number before you leave I will be utterly heartbroken." He said, resting his forehead against mine. "Who said that I'd be leaving?" I asked, pulling out a huge packet from behinds me. "Jeff added you as a regular?!" He said, his eyes wide. I nodded and smiled. "So you don't have to leave." He said, I shook my head. "Nope, I'm staying here." I said. "Are you happy?" He asked. "Cody, I haven't been this happy in ages." I smiled.
He smiled and went to kiss me again. I put my hand on his chest and stopped him. "What's wrong?" He asked. "What does this make us?" I asked. "Well I was hoping it would make you my girlfriend?" He asked, smirking at me. "On one condition," I said. "Anything for you." He smiled. "Promise we can take it slow." I said, sighing. "Of course we can." He said, attaching his lips to mine again.

Cody Christian/Theo Raeken ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now