"It's like you're trying to ruin this for me.." -Cody Christian

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Today is my birthday and I was going out with all my friends. My best friend, Cody, couldn't make it because he was away filming and the producers and director both didn't feel that he could take a break and get his filming done on time. I wasn't mad, I understood the circumstances. However that doesn't mean I wasn't hurt or even slightly disappointed. We were just going to a house party that my friend was throwing for me, drinking, having fun, and letting loose for a couple days.

"Hey y/n, the plans are still the same right?" my sister, Amber, asked turning the phone away from her ear. "Yeah, pretty sure." "Okay cool." she smiled and then went back downstairs.

Right now it was about 2 pm and we were leaving around 6 or 7 to get some food before we went to the party.

I began getting ready at 4, knowing it would take me the entire two hours to get ready. I didn't want to over do it, I mean, yeah it's my birthday but we aren't going out to a club. After completing my simple hair and makeup, I stared at my closet for 20 minutes trying to decide what to wear. I decided on a pale pink, thin strapped, form fitting dress and picked out my simple ankle strapped heels. It was simple but still 21st birthday party. I also knew there would be a lot of photos being taken so I couldn't make my outfit too boring.

When I was done, I took a quick mirror picture and posted it to my Instagram story. Then I was ready to start my night.

Upon arriving at the house, I could already hear music blasting and people laughing.

"How many people did you invite?" I asked my sister and our group of around 6 people. " Only a couple hundred." she smirked and dragged me into the party behind her.

"Hey, hey, hey we got the birthday girl in the house!" The DJ yelled over the music. Everyone turned to me a cheered, coming up and saying either "Happy Birthday" or "you've gotta take a shot with me later".

*Time skip 3 hours*

After about 3 hours of dancing and having fun my friend Lacey came over and told me I was wanted in the back yard. I told the guy I was dancing with that I would be right back and head out to the yard.

Once I got there I saw all of Cody's cast mates. "Hey guys" I smiled, giving them all hugs. "Happy Birthday girl." Sam said. "Where's Cody?" I asked. "He couldn't get the time. They need him to shoot his solo scenes for the show and so they let us all go I guess." Sam explained.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't upset and disappointed. I appreciate his cast mates coming here, as I love them, but I really wanted Cody to be here too.

I've had a minor crush on Cody ever since we met but he was always filming and I was always doing school work or auditioning for things, even though I knew I wouldn't get them. I didn't mind. Cody has been there for me in some of, what I consider to be, the toughest times of my life. He was always the guy to tell me, "Don't cry over him. If he can't see how special and amazing you are then that's his loss, not yours". He was the reason I still believed in love.

Masking my disappointment, I smiled and said, "Oh okay. No biggie." and the continued to talk to them about how they thought filming was going and things of that sort.

I saw Michael look behind me and then quickly down at me as to not give something away. "What was-" Suddenly I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and hoist me into the air and spin me in circles. Once I was firmly on the ground I turned and saw Cody there with a big smile on his face.

"Surprise." he smiled. I couldn't help but feel excited and I rushed to him, flinging my arms around his neck and hugging him.

I put my feet back on the ground and looked up at him, but kept my arms where they were. "I thought you said you couldn't make it." I said. "You really think that I would miss my best friends birthday?" he asked.

"I should've known." I laughed back.

Later that night, I was dancing with a guy and he pulled me closer to him and we began dancing very close to each other.

I felt my arm being grabbed and I spun to see Cody. "Hey, whats wrong?" I asked. "What the hell are you doing?!" he yelled over the music. "Cody, we're just dancing!" I yelled back.

"You know what? Fine! Dance with him, I'm leaving!" he yelled and began to walk towards the back yard. Everyone was inside and dancing so the yard was completely empty except for Cody and I.

"Cody wait!" I yelled, still to no avail. "Cody Allen, I'm talking to you!" I yelled again and this made him stop. "What?! Go back to having fun with that random guy you were grinding on!" he yelled.

"No!" I yelled back. "Why not? You had no problem doing it 30 seconds ago!" he yelled. "It's like you're trying to ruin this for me! What the hell is your problem Cody?!" I screamed.

"My problem is you trying to be someone you're not! You've ever had your ass against a random guys crotch! You never would do this kind of thing!" he yelled furiously. "I'm letting my hair down for once Cody! I'm trying to have a good time instead of being cooped up in the house reading or watching stupid romcoms. You're right I never would do this, but the one person that I wanted to spend my birthday with told me that he couldn't make it so I had to make other plans." I said. I knew yelling wasn't going to solve anything.

"Oh really?" he asked. "I'm talking about you Cody. You know me better than anyone. I would have never come here if I knew that you were gonna come back." I said. Cody had an angry look on his face still. "Why did you get so mad when you saw me dancing with some guy anyway? You've never gotten mad before..." I asked. "It's not that simple!" he snapped. "It can't be that complicated Cody, just tell me."

"I like you god damn it!" he snapped and punched the wooden fence of the backyard. Shocked, I went over to him and grabbed his hand. He pulled it way and turned away from me.

My chest was tightening and I felt it start to ache. I could actually feel my heart breaking.

I slowly walked over to Cody and touched his arm, running my hand down to grab his to look at it. "It's just a little bruising. You'll be fine." I said.

"Hey!" I heard someone yell. I looked over my shoulder and saw the guy I was dancing with earlier come outside. "You trying to hurt her?!" he yelled again. A whole crowd had begun to gather around us. "No man, I punched the fence. I'd never hurt her, or any woman for that matter." Cody said. "You need to leave." I told the guy I was dancing with. "nah girl, lemme show you how a real man throws punches." he said.

I knew this wasn't gonna be pretty as he shoved me out of the way and attacked Cody. A bunch of Cody cast mates and this dudes friends came up and separated them.

I was crying and I just wanted to go home. "I'm gonna take him home." I told my friends and left with Cody.

When we got home, I slipped off my shoes and lead Cody into the bathroom. My face was bruised and had a small cut on my lip from where I hit the ground. Cody sat me next to the sink and stood between my legs while he fixed my lip.

"You're turn." I said, taking a clean cloth and dabbing the cut on his cheek clean. Once we were done we just stood there in silence.

"I'm sorry. I never meant to ruin your birthday." he said. "You didn't ruin it. You made it better." I said. "How? I yelled at you and got into a fight at your party." he said. "He was a jerk anyway. He'd been rude to me all night until I danced with him." I said.

"Oh, well I still feel bad." He said. "Please don't Cody," I said, hugging him.

"You look beautiful by the way," he said. "What?" I asked. "I forgot to tell you. You look beautiful tonight." My heart fluttered and my face turned a bright shade of red and I looked away from Cody.

He placed a finger under my chin and made me look at him. "I mean it and I meant what I said earlier too." He said. I hopped off the sink and went to the kitchen.

I got us both a drink of water and leaned against the counter. " I really do like you y/n." He said. My heart fluttered again. "Prove it." I winked.

He smirked and grabbed my by the waist, pressing his lips to mine.

Cody Christian/Theo Raeken ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now