Prologue Elore

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This chapter was written by hyenagal but it won't tag me cuz it's a butthole...

Erilian glared at me. "You're insane, Elore. No one likes her, but if you challenge her you'll be killed." 

"I know that." 

"Elore, don't do it. Its better to choke on her praises than to die standing up to her." I kept my eyes averted from his. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing I still cared for him like I used to. 

"I don't know who gave you that idea, but it's wrong. It's better to die on your feet than to live forever on your knees." 

"Pick that up from a player, hm?" 

"Erilian, I'm going whether I get your permission or not, so don't try to stop me." 

My violet eyed comrade sighed. "Well, would you at least give me a proper goodbye?"

"No." I turned and walked away.

Erilian grabbed my shoulder. "Notch d*mn it, Elore." He pulled me back into a heartfelt kiss.

I hated it when he did that. It didn't matter how determined I was to do something, I could sit for hours with my fangs locked in his and our eyes perfectly matched. He knew it too, and would use it to his advantage. Some days I wanted to kick him in the groin, but then the moment would end.

He finally let me go. "If you live long enough, get the h*ll out of the End and End City. Promise me that."

I sighed. "Fine. I promise.

I stood at the edge of End City, where endstone met the void. Somewhere out there was the true End, where the person I was looking for was waiting for me. Draconia, the ender dragon. I stepped off the endstone and teleported to the exact coordinates of the island in the void.


Her guards were stationed everywhere. The end crystals that healed Draconia also made these endermen slightly more passive than usual. I had made a mental note of that ages previous. I stared toward the sky, seeking the violet eyes that terrified most.

There she was. "Draconia!" I screamed into the void. "Come here!"

And so she came. Diving straight toward me. I waited for her to impact and kill me in one shot for being so insolent.

"Elore of End City, daughter of Evansea of End City, what brings you to my domain."

Thanks so much, Draconia. I always knew you had a soft spot for me. "Draconia, I want my freedom from your rule." I didn't dare mention Erilian, for fear he would be killed. "I've grown tired of choking on your praise and I want to live as my own individual."

"What grants you the right to request such a thing?" She looked down on me with disdain.

I shot a glare up at her. "Otherwise I will forcefully obtain it."

"I'm not certain you have the ability to do such a thing. You do not possess the power to kill me, and if you leave the End you will be murdered in your tracks."

"Who's to say I don't have the power to kill you?" I sought the attention of her eyes. "I've never tried, have I?"

She sighed. "You came to me seeking your freedom, assuming that my fondness for you would carry the heavy load. It might have, had you not come here assuming you could kill the queen and get away with it." I flinched at her tone of voice.

Boy was I glad for my fast reflexes, because it wasn't a heartbeat later when she lashed at me.

But I wasn't fast enough. I fell to the ground after teleporting with only a half heart left. I was bleeding badly, and I wasn't positive I would live long enough to get away.

Draconia turned her head to look at me. I teleported again to the top of one of her obsidian towers. It didn't take long for her to join me in the sky.

"Just hold still, brat!" She yelled at me.

I suddenly noticed I wasn't lashing out at her, despite how severely she had injured me. The end crystal behind me seemed to glow brighter.

I grinned and grappled with it. A small fragment was all I needed, but a closer look informed me that each giant crystal was actually a cluster of smaller ones. I found a good one and pulled it apart. "Not today, witch."

She flew at me, as though she wasn't afraid of destroying her end crystal. I leapt from my spot on the tower, but she intercepted my fall with a hard talon strike.

I cried out in agony as the small amount of health I had regenerated depleted suddenly. I fell onto endstone. I whimpered quietly.

If you live long enough, get the h*ll out of the End and End City. Promise me that. I teleported again, with great pain. I collapsed on dirt.

Then everything faded to black.

A/n: now we wait for@HeartOfStone16876530  to catch up...


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