Chapter 9: The Package

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My hands felt like they were on fire the whole time we were eating breakfast. Saria had almost figured me out before. In fact, I wasn't certain she hadn't.

After breakfast we had to open the package. Personally, I was terrified. Saria took all the proper precautions, but she seemed confident.

I felt like I'd been outdone by a tiny person.

She grabbed the paper. "Ready?"

I nodded, although I really wasn't. In truth, I wanted to light it on fire and throw it out a window, not open it.

She tore the paper. It was a diamond, along with a note. She grabbed the diamond greedily. "Oh my gosh. I've never held one of these in my hands before.

I rolled my eyes and picked up the note to skim it over. Make sure it wasn't bribery or something.

My dearest Saria,
I know we've never met, but I would love to get to know you better. I want to love you and cherish you as my own. If you would be interested, send a letter to Sacrebo Village, addressed to the player Samuel. I'll write again then, and perhaps I will tell you who I am.

-your secret admirer

"Oh yuck." I couldn't keep my thoughts from escaping my lips.

"What?" Saria tore her attention from the diamond.

"Read it for yourself." I handed it to her.

She scanned it over before blushing and giggling girlishly. "Aw, I have a secret admirer!"

"Or a stalker."

"You're just jealous because you've never had someone ask you out before."

I thought of Erilian. "I have too!"

"Prove it!"

"I shouldn't have to!"

"Then I guess you haven't."

I wanted to strangle her, but it would have been to much work to get down to her level. I exhaled sharply.

"Fine. Write a letter back to lover boy and I'll deliver it. If he seems decent I'll tell you."

"And tell me who he is?"

"Nope. I'll let him do that."

"You're mean."

"I know."

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