Chapter 3: Creeper

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Elore's POV
This chapter was written by hyenagal

The weirdest thing about Saria? The fact that she was five feet shorter than me, and yet seemed to tower over me in survival skills. Her garden was full and growing well, she had built a beautiful tree house, and everything looked well crafted. It was awe-inspiring.

Meanwhile, I wasn't even sure where to begin in survival. I looked around. This place was so different from End City. It was all green and fertile.

I turned to look at Saria's house. It was pretty high up, but all the same, I could probably touch it from the ground. Although, all things considered, her ceiling had only been six feet high, so no enderman could teleport inside without risking their head. It was nearly monster proof, with the exception of maybe spiders.

If she expected me to live with her though, there were changes to be made immediately. Fortunately, I wasn't planning on staying. Maybe just get some survival tips and then move on.

I was about to ask Saria for the basics of survival when I heard it. A hiss, quickly followed by a shriek.

I whipped around. Saria was on all fours, scrambling away from a creeper. My end crystal slipped from my fingers.

Aggression had never been something I liked feeling. It made me feel nauseous. The end crystal helped keep me passive, which was a much nicer feeling. But in this moment, I wasn't entirely certain what came over me.

All I knew was that that creeper had to die.

I teleported between it and Saria. It immediately stopped pursuing her. Among monsters, endermen were the most terrifying. No one crossed them. Not even creepers. Except this one seemed especially stupid as it turned its big, black eyes toward my violet ones.

I extended my claws gently and gritted my fangs. I could still hear Saria whimpering.

I struck fast and I struck hard, and in that one attack, the creeper collapsed into a pile of gunpowder.

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