chapter 18: wait, what?

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AstroLink wrote this

Third Person POV

"Saria" Elore finally was able to slip out "we have to go, now." she stated "why though?" Samuel ran away back into the darkish alley disappearing, Saria stared down the alley wondering where Sam went. Elore was watching the snow a couple feet in front of them move, she picked Saria up quickly not knowing what it was. Out popped a bunny goat looking baby girl, she was shaking and shivering cold from the snow and being not dressed for it. "AWWW" Saria squealed and picked her up covering the baby in her coat and holding her close. The baby stayed silent. "UUUH" Elore stared at the demon baby, "maybe we should just-" she took the baby away from Saria and placed her back in the snow where she popped out of. "Elore!!" Saria screeched picking the baby back up quickly and putting her back in the same position she was in before, "She's so cold" Saria whimpered. Elore just stared at Saria scared for what might happen if they kept the baby.

Saria ran to the baby clothes store and bought dresses and winter time clothes, full intentions on keeping her. She dressed her up in the winter clothes she had just bought for the baby and continued holding her the whole way home. Elore opened the door for Saria then walked in behind her closing it.

A/N: sorry for it being so short this is all I could think of... (づ・ツ・)づ

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