Chapter 15: Fear

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Elore's POV
This chapter written by hyenagal

Murphy and Sam were talking me through some crafting basics. Like making wood planks, chests, sticks, and furnaces.

"So you get it now?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, I think so. Thank you."

Murphy chuckled. "Okay, so now we need some bread for breakfast. Which means we need three wheat, got it?"


"And then we use the crafting table to--"

Saria shrieked. I whipped around. She was sitting up, clinging to her stomach. Murphy rushed over to her.

She sat there for a second, dead silent. "Just a dream." She finally mumbled and then smiled.

Chills streaked up my spine. I turned to Sam. "I'm gonna pop home and get her some clothes quickly. You can show me some more later."

"Uh, yeah." He nodded. "Go for it."

I teleported outside. Snow. It was always snow. Half of me wanted to hiss at it. Rain was one thing, water falling from the sky and pooling on the ground, but snow was wet and cold. Neither of which I was fond of.

I scowled and teleported again. Back home, but I couldn't teleport directly inside. I had to convince Saria to raise the ceiling a little bit. I climbed the stairs, and then ducked through the door. Clothes for Saria.

I went to her room and began digging through her stuff. Was this even necessary? Knowing Saria, she'd probably be happy wearing Murphy's shirt all day.

"Well, hello, little girl."

I froze in place. That voice. That wretched, cursed voice. I didn't even want to give him the satisfaction of looking at him.

"What, no response from you, Elore?"

"If you don't leave right now I will straight up murder you."

"That's cruel."

I turned around, and almost burst out laughing. Erilian was crouched over in the most awkward way known to man. I smirked.

"Height troubles?"

"You're having just as much trouble as me. I don't want to hear it."

I turned away from him. "I warned you. Be gone."

"I figured I should warn you, Elore." His voice became grave. "Draconia isn't happy about your blatant rebellion. The endermen that travel the overworld have been ordered to kill you on sight."

"And let me guess, rebels like you have been forced into the overworld to die."

He grabbed my shoulder. "No. I got lucky. Those who are a threat to Draconia were sent to the overworld. The others are just simply executed."

I gritted my fangs. "She will pay."

"So you say." He turned me towards himself. "Elore, be careful."

"Mind yourself, Erilian." I pulled my bandanna off my face to give him a fanged grin. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm not going to die."

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