Chapter 21: Scolding

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This chapter written by hyenagal
Third person POV

Abby had to bite her cheek to keep from laughing out loud. Ash was mad, so if she laughed she was most likely going to regret it. But this was the funniest development of Sam's life since, well, since he was born.

"Samuel." She spoke sternly. "Elore. We need to speak win you two privately."

Saria and Murphy looked at each other nervously. Murphy had met Sam's moms before. But Ashlynn never got mad. Ever.

Abby could feel her face getting hot from trying not to laugh. If you laugh, you will die. If you laugh, you will die.

Elore rose slowly. "What's wrong?"

"I'll explain outside." She stormed out the backdoor, letting it slam behind her.

Abby snorted and then returned to not breathing before following Elore and Samuel outside.

Ash was sitting on the fence with her arms crossed still. "So, Miss Elore."

Abby shut the door. "Samuel..."

Sam flinched. He hated it when she used that tone. It was so blank. He couldn't tell if she was going to yell or laugh next. It was a skill acquired from years of reading other people. Sam still had to wear a mask and change his voice to keep people from reading him.

It was obvious what Ash was thinking though. She was ticked off. Did she find out about Leslie? Or was it all the weird stuff going on?

"Elore, I hear you think my son is up to something." Ash folded her legs now too.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but he's been acting awfully suspicious, and at the same time a lot of weird things have been going on here. I was concerned."

Abby lost it. "Oh mein wort!" She doubled over. "Mister 'won't-take-his-mask-off-ever' is acting suspicious?"

"Mother!" Sam exclaimed. "You're the one who suggested the mask!"

Ash was glaring at Abby with her steely blue eyes. "Would you please take this seriously?"

Abby wiped a tear out of her eye. "Is this about Leslie? I understand it's hard to explain to people, but really? You're going to get arrested, and then I'll have to hold a straight face during your trial!"

"Mom!" His face went beet red.

Ash raised her eyebrows. "Leslie?"

Samuel shot a glare to match Ash's at Abby. "I asked you not to tell!"

"Well, you might want to come out of the closet now before Elore murders you for no reason."

Elore turned to Samuel. "Wasn't Leslie that creeper girl?"

"So Leslie is a girl?"

"Mom please!"

"Be quiet!" Abby barked. "Alright, Ash, here's the deal. Our Sammy has been going out with a creeper named Leslie. He asked me not to tell anyone because he was afraid people would judge him."

Ash smiled now. "Sweetie, you have two moms, and you were worried I was going to judge you?"

"That's what I told him but he wouldn't believe me." Abby shrugged. "He just claimed it was different from us."

Ash laughed. "So you got someone to suspect you were up to something because you didn't want to admit you were dating a creeper?"

Abby snickered. "He's just like you, isn't he?"

Elore looked at Samuel. "I'm sorry about accusing you of doing anything wrong."

"It's fine. Just one modification to our deal, if I turn out to have a hand in any of it, you may still have my head."


Abby smirked. "If you intend to fulfill that bargain, I suggest you learn how to use a sword. I taught him very well. Murphy would make a nice teacher, he knows all of Sam's secrets."


Elore smiled beneath her bandanna. "Thank you, ma'ams. And I'm sorry for not trusting your son."

"I forgive you." Ash replied.

"He's not really the most trustworthy person out there anyway."


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